Presenter Resources

Thank you for your interest in presenting a live session with the Center for Teaching and Learning. Our mission includes providing effective, innovative, and collaborative professional development opportunities for faculty, administrators, and staff and we are delighted you want to partner on this. Please review the information below to discover more about the process of presenting a CTL Live Event. CTL presenters must be in good standing with the university.

Develop Ideas

You may submit an idea for a presentation that is not fully developed and the CTL will help guide you. Whether it is to direct you to resources or help connect you with others for collaboration, the CTL can help.

Send an email to and a member of our team will respond as soon as possible. The CTL will confirm that presenters are in good standing before scheduling a presentation. 

Submit a Proposal to Present

When you are ready to submit a presentation proposal, email the following to

Review CTL’s Proposal Resources for more information. 

Confirm Your Session

You will receive an email from the CTL staff via to confirm your presentation date and time along with a Google calendar invitation. Accept the calendar invitation to confirm your presentation.

A practice session can also be coordinated at your request. Please respond to your presentation confirmation email if you would like to arrange a practice session.

Cancellations: While we know sometimes things come up, please allow at least a week for canceling or rescheduling an event. Also, if an event is not well attended, the CTL may provide an opportunity for the presenter to create a recording to be shared or give the option to reschedule the session.

Prepare Your Presentation

Once you confirm a date and time, the CTL will provide you with a template created in Google Slides specifically for your session. Please add your content to the template in Google Slides and do not make a copy of the template. 

Find guidelines on developing a quality presentation here. Please note that links shared within the presentation slides may not be clickable. Be prepared to share them in the session text chat. 

Promote Your Session

CTL Promotion: The CTL will promote your Live Event presentation in the weekly Monday Minute e-newsletter and on the Purdue Global Calendar

Self Promotion: We encourage you to self-promote your event. Be sure to notify your supervisor of your scheduled CTL Live Event (share flier, email, etc.) and ask the best way to share this information with your department/colleagues.

Present Successfully

Your success in presenting lies not only with the quality of the presentation you develop and deliver but also with making sure all logistics are in order. Google Meet is the primary platform used for Live Events. This tip sheet includes information and best practices for using Google Meet. Presenters are required to enter the event no later than 10 minutes before the session start time to test their connection, audio, video, and prepare to share the presentation. 

A hardwired internet connection should be used, if possible, for an optimum problem-free experience. Avoid sharing your connection with other users during the presentation as this may cause issues. Turn off your cell phone and present from a quiet space with minimal outside noise and disturbances. Find more resources on a successful presentation here.

Audio: Presenters speak using a microphone. We recommend using a headset or microphone-enabled earbuds for better sound quality during the session.

Webcam: We encourage presenters to use their webcam during the presentation. Webcams are optional and highly recommended to help build connections with attendees.

Audience Participation: A chat tool is available during the session. The CTL will assist in managing the chat during the presentation and as needed. During the presentation, the CTL will mute attendees and disable webcams to prevent distractions. Audio and webcam options are available for attendees and can be used during the session for interaction at the discretion of the presenter. Attendees may also dial into the Google Meet event by telephone.

Review Feedback

All Live Events sessions include an end-of-session event reflection form. Presenters will be sent reflection results in a timely manner and are encouraged to review the feedback to guide stronger future presentations. CTL uses the input from these forms to gather data for the improvement of future Live Events. Find more information on the presentation standards and feedback here.