Activity Reporting Guide

Defining and Documenting Professional Development, Scholarship, and Service

Faculty Handbook: 2.5 Professional Development 

Because of the need to share information and build learning communities, Purdue Global’s Center for Teaching and Learning provides professional development opportunities to all faculty members. Professional development includes both training and scholarship activities. 

Faculty development is essential to the mission of the University and to the Faculty for maintaining current knowledge in their field. Any activity that either advances their knowledge in their field or helps a Faculty member stay current in their teaching is considered Faculty development. Faculty responsibilities include completing and reporting no fewer than 8 hours of formal/active professional development annually. Faculty are encouraged to report professional development using the streamlined activity entry form.

NOTE: The CTL staff will report professional development for CTL-sponsored activities. You are responsible for posting your presentation activity at a CTL-sponsored professional development event. Learn more about the CTL reporting service.

Professional Development Defined

Professional development is defined as tools, resources, and training that help instructors further their knowledge in their subject area, develop and expand teaching techniques, and enhance skills to better meet the needs of students. 

Professional development activities at Purdue Global can be classified into the following categories:

Discipline-Specific Compliance Training* –  refers to the process of training on laws, regulations, and policy within the faculty/staff’s field of study or profession. This type of activity should be logged in “Compliance Training Activity.” 

*This should not be confused with Purdue Global Compliance Training from Human Resources, as those activities are not considered professional development.

Discipline-Related –  refers to the process of continued education on topics specific to faculty/staff field of study. This type of activity should be logged in “Discipline-related Activity.”

Leadership –  refers to the process of education on leadership and further development of leadership skills as related to faculty/staff current and future roles. This type of activity should be logged in “Leadership Activity.”

Other –  refers to any professional development activity that is not included in the preset categories. A full description of the activity should be included. This category should be avoided if possible. 

Skills Attainment – refers to the process of education on obtaining new skills or strengthening existing skills related to faculty/staff current and future roles. This type of activity should be logged in “Skills Attainment Activity.”

Teaching and Learning – refers to the process of continued education on topics of teaching and learning in higher education as related to the faculty role. This subtype should be used when preparing and presenting for internal conferences. This type of activity should be logged in “Teaching and Learning Activity.”

Training Development – refers to preparation of materials to present at PG sponsored conferences or events. Presentation time at the live session is logged by the CTL team. 

Faculty Handbook 2.5.2 Scholarship 

The scholarship agenda should be developed in coordination with the Dean, Associate/Assistant Dean, or Chair.  Appropriate scholarly activities for faculty may include, but are not limited to: 

Scholarship Defined

Scholarship is defined as published or presented research activities that

Scholarship activities at Purdue Global can be classified into the following categories:

Applied – This area is concerned with the scholarship of teaching and the usable application of theories related to the faculty’s area of study. 

Discovery – This area is concerned with the scholarship of  new research that advances knowledge and exploration of theories related to the faculty’s area of study. 

Integrated – This area is concerned with the scholarship of creating connections within and across disciplines and is related to the faculty’s area of study.

Other – This area is concerned with scholarship that  does not fall into one of the pre-set definitions.  A full description of the activity should be included. This category should be avoided if possible. 

Teaching and Learning – This area is concerned with the scholarship of student learning and the practice that influences that learning. 

Scholarship Activity Reporting Note

All external scholarship (preparation and product) is reported in the scholarship area in APL. Currently, we report on the number of activities and not the count of hours. Documentation of scholarship hours is optional and you will need to be able to validate any reported time. 

Internal conferences are not considered scholarship and should be reported as professional development.

Faculty Handbook 2.8 Service 

2.8.1 Service to the Institution 

Service may take the form of engagement in and/or leadership roles in Purdue Global faculty development programs and/or institution-wide governance committees. Activities that suggest engagement in service and commitment to the institution/college/school include, but are not limited to: 

2.8.2 Service to the Profession 

Activities that suggest engagement in service and commitment to the profession include, but are not limited to: 

External Service Defined

External Service is defined as service to the profession. Activities that suggest engagement in service and commitment to the profession include, but are not limited to:

Service should be entered under the category “Professional Organization Activity”** Service should be entered under the category “Board Member Activity” 

Internal Service Defined

Internal Service is defined as service to the University. Service may take the form of engagement in and/or leadership roles in Purdue Global faculty development programs and/or institution-wide governance committees. Activities that suggest engagement in service and commitment to the institution/college/school include, but are not limited to:

Activity Reporting Form

The Activity Reporting form is for Purdue Global faculty and staff to report professional development, scholarship, and service activities.

NOTE: This form is to be used in place of reporting activity directly in APL. DO NOT enter activities reported on this form in APL as this will result in duplication.

If you have questions, please email for assistance.