Kindergarten Day 3

May 27


Dot Talks

Dot Talks

5 27 kinder EN.mp4


Los Puntos hablan

5 27 kinder ES.mp4


  1. Look at the picture with the dots.

  2. Can you tell how many dots there are without counting each one?

  3. How many dots do you see?

  4. How did you SEE the dots?

  5. What's another way to SEE the dots?

  6. How many more dots would be needed to make 10?

Today's Number is

  1. Look at today's number.

  2. Say the number out loud.

  3. What do you know about this number.

  4. On your paper or in your math journal show as many ways as you can that the total amount is today's number. You can draw pictures or create number sentences to go with today's number.

  5. Think of a story problem that would have today's number as the answer.

What Do You See?

  1. Listen to the activity What Do You See?

  2. Follow along on a piece of paper or in your math journal.





Do 10-15 minutes in Dreambox (How to guide for Dreambox)


Retell a Story!

Watch this video to learn about how to retell a story!

Read, watch or listen to a fiction text. Fiction texts are made-up stories.

You might like the story Chester's Way by Kevin Henkes.

Retell the story to a friend, pet or family member. Your retell should include:

  • Characters

  • Setting

  • Beginning

  • Middle

  • End

Practice on Lexia for 15 minutes. Login through Clever.

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Catching vibrations: How do we hear?

Scientists investigate.

  • Whisper to a family member. How far away can you still hear the whisper?

  • Talk in a regular voice. How far away can you move and still hear the person?

  • Talk about: How far do you think you can be and still hear a shout? (or loud voice). Try it out. Were you surprised?

  • Repeat the whisper, talking and shouting while holding your hand to your voice box on the front of your neck. What do you feel? Does a whisper feel the same as talking?

See and listen to a read-aloud: Sounds All Around

Look around you. What can you find that will vibrate? Do different things make different sounds? How can you describe them? Can you put them into groups?

5 13 kinder EN.mp4
Copy of My Healthy Habits:Sleep_K-2
Copy of Why Sleep?

Physical Education

1. Watch the video to learn how to set up the activity.

2. Get rocks, dice, paper, pen, and chalk.

3. Be creative! If you don't have rocks, dice or chalk watch the video to find out other things to use.

4. Play the game by rolling the dice and running to get the rocks with the number.