Chemistry of Materials: Week 8

Please Do These Lessons...

Day 1

Introducing the Science and Engineering Practice - Asking Questions (science) and Defining Problems (engineering)

Bozeman Science Video - Asking Questions and Defining Problems

  • Think about a question or a problem that you have about how new compounds are made.

  • How could you find more information or learn more about it?

Day 2

How are reactants changed by a chemical reaction? How are the products different?

Day 3

How do we create new materials?

Creating new materials - Student worksheet

LABsent video

Modeling questions are from - Next Generation Science Assessment

Day 4

What did you learn this week?

Share what you learned about this week.

Optional: Use this Graphic Organizer to help you ask questions or define problems about chemical reactions that you might investigate on your own.

Day 5- Funday Friday!

Backyard Field Trip & Scavenger Hunt

Materials: piece of paper and something to write with, an egg carton, paper bag, or plastic container, glue

Challenge #1: Backyard field trip- Use your Senses

Take your paper and pen/pencil outside and find a place to sit quietly for 10 minutes. Spend time writing or drawing what you hear, see, feel, and smell. Then think about these questions: what have you learned about your special place that you didn't know before? Was there anything you expected to hear, smell, or see that you didn't?

Challenge #2: Scavenger Hunt

Find and collect the following items and then create a picture or collage with your items

  • Something fuzzy and something rough

  • Something straight and something round

  • Two kinds of seeds and two pieces of man-made litter

  • Two different types of leaves and something green

  • Something that makes noise

  • A cone, a stick, and a beautiful rock

  • Other items of your choice!