Earth in Space: Week 8

Please Do These Lessons...

Day 1

Introducing the Science and Engineering Practice - Asking Questions (science) and Defining Problems (engineering)

Bozeman Science Video - Asking Questions and Defining Problems

  • Think about a question or a problem that you have about the moon, tides or space.

  • How could you find more information or learn more about it?

Day 2

What would the day length, year length, seasons, and tides be like on another planet?

Choose one of the imaginary planets from the data table and use the data to determine: day length, average number of daytime and nighttime hours, year length in Earth days, year length in planet’s days, whether the planet has seasons and what they will be like, whether the planet has tides and what they will be like.

Use this sheet to guide your work.

Day 3

Make a Pocket Solar System

Make a pocket solar system by following along with the video on this website.

  • Before you start, you will need a long, narrow piece of paper - about as tall as you. To make this you could cut several pieces of paper lengthwise and tape them together. If you happen to have a roll of register paper at your house you could use that.

  • As the teacher on the video gives instructions and demonstrates how to make your pocket solar system, pause as you need to -- her pace is pretty fast!

The pocket solar system is a conceptual model. Next you will make a mathematical model.

Use this sheet to guide your work.

Day 4

What did you learn this week?

Share what you learned about this week. How have your ideas about the reason for the phases of the moon changed since you began this unit?

Optional: Use this Graphic Organizer to help you ask questions or define problems about the solar system that you might investigate on your own.

Ideas for optional independent investigations. Explore the scale of the universe with these interactives

Day 5 - Funday Friday!

Backyard Field Trip & Scavenger Hunt

Materials: piece of paper and something to write with, an egg carton, paper bag, or plastic container, glue

Challenge #1: Backyard field trip- Use your Senses

Take your paper and pen/pencil outside and find a place to sit quietly for 10 minutes. Spend time writing or drawing what you hear, see, feel, and smell. Then think about these questions: what have you learned about your special place that you didn't know before? Was there anything you expected to hear, smell, or see that you didn't?

Challenge #2: Scavenger Hunt

Find and collect the following items and then create a picture or collage with your items

  • Something fuzzy and something rough

  • Something straight and something round

  • Two kinds of seeds and two pieces of man-made litter

  • Two different types of leaves and something green

  • Something that makes noise

  • A cone, a stick, and a beautiful rock

  • Other items of your choice!