Week 7: 5/26-29 PE

BONUS - Memorial Day Workout!

Enjoy this 30-minute yoga workout.

Prepare your body for a physically challenging week, and allow yourself the opportunity to bring your best to whatever workouts you're able to get in to this week.

Tuesday (5/26) - Create Your Own Workout - Spinner Fitness

  1. Start with a dynamic warm up---jumping jacks, marching in place, skipping, grapevines, lunge steps (forward and side), torso twists, arm circles, shoulder rolls.

  2. Click here for the instructions on how to customize a spinner.

  3. Write down exercises of your choice, the number of reps or time in each spinner section. Example 30 Sit-ups, Plank for 1 minute.

  4. Play it by yourself for a quick burst of fitness or workout with your family.

  5. Included are some exercise ideas or you can add your own.

Wednesday (5/27) - Zumba!

  1. First, do a short warm-up- 10 jumping jacks, jog in place high knees for 30 seconds, 20 kick bottoms, 10 arm circles forward and back, 10 trunk twists, or skip, or jump rope for three minutes.

  2. Modify any exercise if it's painful and take a break if you become tired.

  • Remember to drink water during your workout!

  1. Do the Zumba workout

Tuesday Workout 5.10

Thursday (5/28) - Getting Fit!

Pick a time you can safely be outside for these workouts, that helps, otherwise modify as needed to give yourself a solid workout. Try your best to complete your workout. Can also double your driveway or a hall on the running/jogging pieces. Be creative if your circumstances prohibit you for doing any part of the work out.

Friday (5/29) - OPTIONAL

One of the components of the self-assessment journal is fueling. How you fuel is a personal experience because a lot of it depends on how your family eats. There are ways to learn and prepare yourself at any budget point. It's important to understand the different options and how to process how to care for your body.

How to Create an Easy Nutrition Plan Part 1.pdf