Language Arts

Grade 11

Please Do These Lessons...

Weeks 4 - 8 (5/4 - 5/29/20)

Stranger Than Fiction


  • During these three weeks, you will read selection a novel to read.

  • Every few days, you will choose complete a task to help you analyze the novel you have chosen to read.

Weeks 4-6 Grade 11 - 12 ELA Distance Learning Resources_novel selection_website
  • Level 1 stories are the easiest to read and understand. These tend to be shorter and more simple.

  • Level 2 stories are more challenging

  • Level 3 stories are even more challenging. These tend to be longer and more complex.

Task 1 - Pre-reading: Building Context

Weeks 4-6 Grade 9 ELA Distance Learning Resources_pre reading_website
Weeks 4-6 Grade 9 ELA Distance Learning Resources-preread2_website

Task 2 - Reading & Character Analysis of Protagonist

The purpose of this task is to focus on the protagonist of your chosen novel/memoir and determine how he/she evolves throughout the course of the story.

  • First, consider how the character is described at the start of the story, before he/she is faced with the central conflict.

  • Next, how does the character initially react when faced with the central conflict?

  • Finally, how does the conflict change the character in the end?

Use the provided Character Analysis Handout to record your evidence.

Task 3 - Analysis of Literacy Devices

The purpose of this task is gain further insight into how literary devices work to enhance character description, plot, setting, or to illuminate one or more themes.

  • Identify a variety of literary devices throughout your chosen novel.

  • Explain their purpose or their effect on the reader.

  • Identify a selection from the early part of the novel, the middle, and the end.

  • Record your findings on the provided Literary Technique Handout

Task 4 - Post-reading: Theme Extended Response

The purpose of this task is to identify one or more important themes in your chosen novel/memoir based on the experiences of your protagonist.

  • Remember, one way to arrive at theme is to consider how the protagonist deals with the conflict(s) s/he has faced.

  • Record your ideas on the provided Finding the Theme handout.

  • The following slides contain some examples of theme as it pertains to the protagonist.

Weeks 4-6 Grade 9 ELA Distance Learning Resources_theme_website