Week 4



  1. Do a warm up getting your blood circulating and joints warm. March, high knees, jog in place, high knees, kick bottom, skip in place or around, jumping jacks, slides to R and L, arm circles, scissors front and back

  2. Complete the "yoga for complete beginners" (click the picture)

  3. Do "Relieve anxiety" breathing activity below. You can use for a brain break at anytime as well.


  1. Complete the "15 minute no equipment Cardio". Great for small space with modifications included.

  2. Follow up with "Unplugged" for some more strength and stretch. Look at Levels to determine how much you want to do.


First do a short warm-up similar to what we would do in class.

Be sure to jog, skip, or jump rope for a few minutes before stretching - this allows our bodies to more readily stretch.


Tabata & HiiT Workout

Tabata & HIIT Workout


Please choose one or more options that interests you.

1. Yoga video-Day 2 of the yoga video that was posted last week

2. Juggling-You can use plastic trash bags as scarfs or other objects-challenge yourself! Video 1, Video 2

3. Sworkit is a great workout app/website. If you have parent permission , find a great workout here.

4. Today you are the chosen one! Try the chosen one workout!