Week 3: 4/27-5/1

Weekly Activity Log

Weekly Activity Log April 27 - May 1

Don't forget to Check Out Trail Blazers Virtual PE! M-F 10-10:30 at instagram.com/BlazerCommunity

Monday (4/27)

1. Using your Play Station, Wii, X-Box, Smart TV or your Computer - Let's go dancing!

2. If you have Just Dance, Dance Dance Dance, games you are to dance with yourself, friends if appropriately social distanced or invite your family and dance for 45 - 60 minutes!

3. If you do not have a Dance program, you can find "Just Dance" songs on YouTube.

4. Make a list of songs and the time/length of each song you dance to and submit it to me so that I can add up the time spent

5. Include this on your weekly log as one of your activities

6. Remember, Let's make each day the best day ever!

Just Dance Song List:

Tuesday (4/28)

Wednesday (4/29)

HD PE - Stretching Warmup Cooldown with Mr. Abel.mp4
Thursday 4.30 Workout.pdf

Thursday (4/30)

Friday (5/1)

If you have technology at home that your family says it is OK to use and you want to increase your basketball skills, try the HomeCourt app. Or you could try the Nike Training Club app to select workouts that meet your needs. Both are free.

  • No tech, but you want a work out? Try the Friday workout or the Can't touch This workout.