Kindergarten Day 3

Please Do These Lessons...


¿Qué opción no pertenece?

● ¿Qué pueden notar?

● ¿En qué se parecen todas las imágenes?

● ¿Qué diferencias tienen?

● ¿Cuál crees que no pertenece al conjunto?

● ¿Por qué crees que esa no pertenece?

● ¿Existe otra diferente que creas que no pertenece?



● 你注意到了什么?

● 它们哪里一样?

● 它们哪里不一样?

● 你觉得它们哪一个与众不同?

● 为什么你觉得它与众不同?

● 还有没有另一个让你觉得与众不同?


  • 何(なに)に気(き)がつきますか?

  • 全部(ぜんぶ)のイメージはどのように似(に)ていると思(おも)いますか?

  • どのように違(ちが)いますか?

  • どれが他(ほか)のものと違(ちが)うと思(おも)いますか?

  • どうしてそれが他(ほか)のものと違(ちが)うと思(おも)いますか?

  • それとは別(べつ)のものが違(ちが)うと思(おも)うのがありますか?

Which One Doesn't Belong?

422 kinder En.mp4


¿Cuál No Pertenece?

422 kinder ES.mp4


Что лишнее

● Что ты видишь?

● Чем похожи картинки?

● Чем они отличаются?

● Какая из них лишняя?

● Почему ты считаешь, что эта картинка лишняя?

● Есть ли здесь еще картинки, которые ты считаешь лишними?

Cái Nào Không Cùng Một Nhóm

● Em để ý thấy những gì?

● Tất cả các hình ảnh này giống nhau ra sao?

● Chúng khác nhau như thế nào?

● Em nghĩ hình nào không cùng một nhóm?

● Tại sao em nghĩ rằng hình đó không cùng một nhóm?

● Có hình nào khác mà em nghĩ không cùng một nhóm không?

Midkee Baan Ka Mid Ahayn Kuwan

● Maxaad ogaatay?

● Sidee ayay sawirada oo dhami isugu mid yihiin?

● Sidee ayay u kala duwan yihiin?

● Midkee ayaad u maleyneysaa inuusan ka mid ahayn kuwan?

● Maxaad ugu malaynaysaa inuusan midkaasi uga mid ahayn kuwan?

● Ma jiraa mid kale oo aad u maleynaysid inuusan ka mid ahayn kuwan?


Identify Key Details!

Read, watch or listen to a true (nonfiction) story.

Draw a picture or write about a key detail from the story.

Share your drawing or writing with a family member, pet or friend!

Practice on Lexia for 15 minutes. Login through Clever.

You May Also Do These Lessons...


Sink or Float Activity: What makes an object sink or float in water?

  1. Gather some things from around your house that are okay to get wet. These might be a toy, silverware, fruit, coins, a piece of Aluminum foil, a small piece of paper, toothbrush, etc.

  2. Put water in a container that is big enough to hold your objects. This could be a bowl, a bucket, the kitchen sink or a bathtub.

  3. Predict: Before you put the object in the water, predict if you think it will sink or float. Why do you predict that?

  4. Observe: Put the object into the water. Did the object sink or float? Was your prediction correct?

  5. Explain: What patterns do you see? What kinds of things sink? What kinds of things float?

Warm Up

Fan for Fitness

Cool Down