4th Grade Day 4

May 7






Tiếng Việt


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(coming soon)

Dot Talk

There are many different ways to talk about how you see the dots on the left.

Write down all the different ways you can see the dots. Try to come up with as many ways as you can think up.


  • It is ok to think differently.

  • Mistakes grow our brains.

  • There are no right or wrong answers.

If you can find someone to talk with, ask them how they see the dots.

  • How are their ways of seeing the dots the same as you?

  • How are their ways of seeing the dots different than you?

Number talk

Write down all the different ways you can think of to solve the problem. Try to come up with as many ways as you can think up.Remember:

  • It is ok to think differently.

  • Mistakes grow our brains.

  • There are no right or wrong answers.

If you can find someone to talk with, ask them how they see the number talk.

  • How are their ways of seeing the number talk the same as you?

  • How are their ways of seeing the number talk different than you?

Chocolate Fractions (Part 4)


  1. When finished with the work today. Make a copy of the reflection questions and type in your answers.

  2. You may share this with your teacher if you would like.


Writer's Challenge: Opinion

This week, we'll share our opinions about a topic we know a lot about by writing about the most important thing about that topic.

Watch this video about writing an introduction for opinion writing.

Choose a topic you know a lot about.

Share the most important thing about that topic:

  • State what you think is most important.

  • Support your opinion by giving reasons for why it is important.

  • End by summarizing your reasons and sharing a final thought.

Share your learning with a family member, friend, or pet!

Practice on Lexia for 15 minutes. Login through Clever.

May do more lessons...


Investigate: How can water change the landscape over time?

Use this document to help set up your investigation.

  • Predict: What do you think will happen when you pour the water on the dirt?

  • Observe: Pour the water slowly on one side of the pan. Try to have to pour the water in the same spot. What are you seeing? Draw what you observe.

  • Change something: What happens if you make the angle of the pie tin steeper or less steep? What if you pour the water faster? What size particles in your tin move the farthest, which do not move much at all?

  • Explain: Where in nature might you see something like this happening? Does it look like a miniature stream?

  • Challenge: Erosion moves soil or rock from one place to another. What could you do to minimize the effects of erosion in your landscape?

Use this google document to record your investigation.

  • Remember to record the moon for your Moon Journal!

Slides 8-30-19

Social Studies

  1. Go through Slides

  2. Do activity on last slide

  3. Exit ticket: How can you use _______ in your everyday life?


PE - Cap'n Pete's PE Packet

Today you can pick three or more of the following activities described on the activity cards. Keep this activity packet on file for other days as well. All the activities are great for getting active and don't involve watching a video. Enjoy!