2nd Grade Day 5

May 8


Number Talks

Number Talk


Video coming soon

Los Números hablan


Proximamente - un video nuevo

Mental Math

  1. Look at the problem.

  2. Find more than one path to solve it mentally.

  3. What is your solution?

  4. How did you think through this problem?

  5. Which solution would you like to defend?

Word Problems

Use the Number Line app, the Number Pieces app, or any other strategy you like to solve the problems below. Please solve them two ways to help know for sure you got the right answer.

Record your answers on your own paper or in your math journal

1. The total distance from Riley and Sam’s home to the beach is 83 miles. If they stopped to eat after driving 37 miles, how many miles do they still need to drive?

2. While Riley and Sam were at the beach they collected shells. Sam collected 48 shells and Riley collected 29 shells. How many more shells does Sam have than Riley? How many shells do they have all together?


Compare and Contrast!

Read or watch nonfiction texts about the same topic. If you like, you can watch and read these texts about Seahorses.

Keep track of the most important, or main points in each text.

Compare and contrast: What was the same? What was different?

Share what you learned with a family member, friend or pet!

Practice on Lexia for 15 minutes. Login through Clever.



    • Visit your Sit Spot: Find a spot where you can sit and observe for 5 minutes each day or week. Ideally this spot will be outside. If going outside is not an option, you could look outside through a window or choose a spot in your home.

    • See Sit Spots and Field Journals for things to consider and how to set up your field journal to record your observations and questions.

    • How do today's observations compare to last time?

Option: Watch and listen to a real astronaut read aloud the book If I was an Astronaut.

You just need a partner for this one. You will work on cooperation, gentle hands, and balance. You will need one leader and one sculpture - the leader moves the sculpture body part by body part until they've created the perfect shape. Then say 'viola' and switch leaders.