2nd Grade Day 4

May 28


Number Talks

Mental Math

  1. Look at the problem.

  2. Think of a way to solve it in your head.

  3. What is your solution?

  4. Can you think of a different way to solve it in your head?

  5. How did you think through this problem?

  6. Which way that you solved it do you like best? Why?

Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers





Tiếng Việt




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  1. Listen to the activity Number Sentence Puzzle.

  2. Follow along on a piece of paper or in your math journal.

  3. You can use the Number Pieces App and Number Line App below.


Conflict in Fiction!

Read, watch or listen to fiction!

You might like Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli.

What is the conflict or problem in the story? How do you know?

How was the conflict introduced?

Share your learning with a friend, family member or pet!

Practice on Lexia for 15 minutes. Login through Clever.



Catching vibrations: How do we hear? Scientists investigate, continued

Explore more about sound at DK findout!: Sound

Once more, repeat whispering to someone, this time with the listener’s hands cupped behind their ears.

Talk about:

  • Can you hear the whisper from a different distance?

  • What if you hold a piece of paper or part of a paper plate around your ears? Does this change what you can hear?

  • What do you notice if you point the papers around your ears in different directions?

  • What new questions do you have?

Explore different pitches with the Music Maker game

Make your own guitar from cardboard and rubber bands: Rubber Band Guitar

Social Studies

Family Activity:

Ask a trusted adult to help you make a...


Once complete, hang your sleep sign on your bedroom door knob to let others know that you are resting.

Materials needed:

  1. Cardboard or thick construction paper

  2. Scissors and a pencil

  3. A cup to trace a circle

  4. Crayons, markers, stickers to decorate

Door Hanger

Physical Education

It's time to move your body in a different way. Here comes the music!!!

  1. Do "Get Up" Zumba moves video!

  2. Next, do the dance along.

    • Watch the video first, to get an idea of the moves, then have fun moving in different ways!

    • Give it a try...nobody's watching**