2nd Grade Day 2

May 5


Dot Talks

How many dots do you see?

  1. Look at the picture with the dots.

  2. Can you tell how many dots there are without counting each one?

  3. How many dots do you see?

  4. How did you SEE the dots?

  5. What's another way to SEE the dots?

Thinking of subtraction as finding the difference.

05052020 Gr2 Sub Difference.mp4
  1. 1. Watch the video about a strategy for solving 53-27

  2. Try the strategy shown to solve the problems below.

  • 51-27

  • 74-58

  • 35-12

3. What was helpful about this strategy?

4. Do you like this strategy? Why or Why Not?

5. Be sure to record how you solved the problems on your own paper or in your math journal

Below is a video on how to use the Number Pieces App for this problem.



Writer's Challenge: All About...

Watch the video to learn about brainstorming!

Brainstorm to find a topic. Write about your topic, remembering to:

  • Introduce your topic

  • Include facts or details about your topic

  • Conclude by sharing your feelings about the topic or with a hope or a wish.

Practice on Lexia for 15 minutes. Login through Clever.



Find a Sit Spot: Find a spot where you can sit and observe for 5 minutes each day or week. Ideally this spot will be outside. If going outside is not an option, you could look outside through a window or choose a spot in your home.

Watch the Video Above

Dragon, Wizard, Elf.mov

Dragon, Wizard, Elf

We play a game in PE called "Dragon, Wizard, Elf" and another called "Pancake, Bacon, Egg." I've included a video of how you play. You can also take the next step and create your own version of the game with different poses.