
2-26-16_Connecting to Community Partnerships.pptx.pptx

AmeriCorps Year_6-1-16 webinar.pptx

AmeriCorps Year_6-1-16 webinar.pptx

Bringing the Weekly Attendance Meeting to Life_webinar_2-4-16.pptx — Presentation covers fundamental ways to structure the weekly meeting, including how to use data from the data sorter and attendance heat map to drive student-centered decision-making.

Community School Forum PPT_eb.pptx

Creating a Learning-Rich Culture.pptx — Presentation slides from April 2016 webinar, "Creating a Learning-Rich Culture: Seamlessly Integrate CBO Activities into Classrooms and Throughout the School Day"

Every Student Every Day campaign! — Check out these slides about the Every Student Every Day campaign as a strategy to combat chronic absenteeism.

Every Student Every Day Presentation_NCCS_April 7 2016.pdf — My Brother's Keeper Initiative to Address and Eliminate Chronic Absenteeism: Featuring New York City as a Case Study, National Coalition Community School Forum, Albuquerque, NM April 2016

Renewal Hours Webinar Elementary FINAL.pptx

Renewal Hours Webinar MS & HS FINAL.pptx

Success Mentor Webinar_March 8.pptx

System level Workshop_04.04.2016.pdf — Systems-Level Change: How Mayor de Blasio Created a New Kind of Community School in NYC. Community School National Forum, Albuquerque, NM. April 2016

Using the AIDP Work Plan to Create Thriving CS.pptx — Slides from webinar on completing the AIDP Work Plan (for AIDP schools only)

Virtual Summit Deck_FINAL.pptx