During Spring of 2017, the Department of Education was awarded 21st Century Community Learning Center (21CCLC) grants to support the Community Schools strategy. Core structures in all Community Schools include a defined community partnership with a community-based organization (CBO), a dedicated Community School Director, shared leadership and accountability and enhanced data tracking to preemptively address challenges like absenteeism. Community Schools provide students with expanded learning opportunities, family engagement supports, and targeted programming through partnerships with community based organizations (CBOs). The 21CCLC grant supports school-CBO partnerships and afterschool and youth development for a targeted number of students in each school. Find a list of Community Schools funded through 21CCLC grants here.


  • Community School Director and CBO staff with access to student level data, please sign this Confidentiality Agreement as soon as possible.

  • You can find translated enrollment forms for the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant funded after-school programs here.


To start the school year as a Community School funded by the 21CCLC grant, we have the following resources:


For more information, please email communityschools@schools.nyc.gov