Prevent the May/June Attendance Slump

School attendance drops as the end of the year approaches, typically by 5% across New York City schools. At OCS, we call this the Attendance Slump.” To combat this trend, we recommend renewed energy around attendance and planning to engage students during these critical months.

Use these ideas as a starting point:

Creative use of expanded learning time (ELT). Some schools have enlisted teachers to host before and after-school activities or clubs. Examples include Double-Dutch tournaments, Tech Club, or after-school biking. For more ideas, visit the OCS page on ELT.

Host a Family Fun Day. Encouraging family involvement is especially important during the end of the year slump. Be sure to thank parents for their work getting their children to school every day.

Celebrate the end of the year! Host events that will re-engage students like dance performances, theater productions, or award ceremonies.

Assemble a before and/or after-school team of teachers, staff, or CBO partners to greet students and families in the morning and say goodbye in the afternoon. Use this opportunity to engage parents and encourage a strong end of the year finish.

Check out ExpandED's informative guide to avoid the spring slump. Below is helpful info-graphic:

Four Strategies to Beat the Attendance Slump

Strategy #1: Personalize the Experience of Attending School

Strategy #2: Be Creative with Per Session and Expanded Learning Time Before and After School

Strategy #3: Collaborate with Families to Beat Testing Fatigue and End of Year-itis

Strategy #4: Student Motivation Push: School-Wide Interventions and Incentives

Avoiding the Attendance Slump