Collaborative Planning

The Idea:

In NYC Community Schools, shared leadership and collaboration between school members, community and other stakeholders is key to the Community Schools strategy. People and partners meet regularly, collaborate together, and use data and inquiry to support students, families, and the community.

Shared leadership supports:

  • Common and aligned vision to support and grow supports for students and community

  • Authentic school governance that connects families through forums and events, and offers targeted adult education

  • Development of family leadership and expertise of families

  • Rigorous and responsive academics to support students’ learning by teachers, community-based organizations (CBOs), and families

In Practice:

In NYC Community Schools, collaborative practice is exhibited in:

  • Collaborative Planning Meetings

  • Collaborative Leadership: Principal and Community School Director (CSD)

  • Using Data for Collaborative Planning and Individualized Student Support

  • Partnerships

  • Continuous Improvement


Commitment to collaborative practice helps to ensure a cohesive school environment in which many voices and key stakeholders are brought to the planning and vision table so to best support the school community, students, and families.

School and CBO resources – both financial and human capital – are equitably allocated to ensure equitable outcomes for students. Robust programming, classes, activities, and supports are strategically delivered to increase opportunities for students and drive toward the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) goals. To learn more about or view your school's CEP, please visit the NYCDOE iPlan portal.

More Information

Collaborative Planning Meetings

In a NYC Community School, the CSD, principal, and other members of the community meet three times a year to discuss data trends to inform budget modifications and program planning for the current and upcoming school year.

Collaborative Planning meetings are neutrally facilitated by the CSD or other CBO staff.

Student Success Summit: Weekly Attendance Meeting

The weekly Student Success Summit—facilitated by the principal with the CSD—is a vital part of a proactive attendance strategy in a NYC Community School.

Assets and Needs Assessment

Assets and Needs Assessment (A&N) tool is a multi-step collaboration (including principal, community members and families, and the School Leadership Team) which helps schools assess the school-based services and programs as well as the community partnerships in place. Completing the A&N Assessment allows communities to gain valuable information to help them plan.

Continuous Improvement

To better help youth stay and succeed in school, people and partners in NYC Community Schools use data for Continuous Improvement to collaborate, track student progress, and shine a light on issues that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Community School Forum

The spring Community School Forum is a large collaborative planning session typically held at the end of the school year, which includes students, families, administrators, teachers, staff, and community partners.


All Community Schools utilize and foster partnerships to best support students and families. Partners include a collaboration of city agencies, nonprofits, and private funders.

Shared Leadership

The leadership partnership between the school principal and CSD strengthens the Community School strategy and ensures smooth implementation of a common vision.

More about Collaborative Planning Meetings

Cycle of Collaborative Planning Meetings

An overview of Collaborative Planning can be found on page 5-7 in the FY19 Fiscal and Operations Manual.

Sample Collaborative planning agendas can be found in the FY19 Collaborative Planning Agenda Folder.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your OCS Program Manager.

Additional information

CBO, Principal and school partners review all Community School data, programming, and funding and make data-driven decisions to ensure alignment of resources to meet student needs.

Meetings are convened and facilitated by CSD or CBO staff.

Attendees must include the OCS Program Manager and School Mental Health Manager. DSRs are strongly encouraged to join.

Role of OCS Program Manager: Support CSDs/CBO in preparing for, effectively facilitating, and conducting all follow-up related to Collaborative Planning meetings.