Schools Of Resilience Projects Menu

The following webpage contains the list of projects for the Schools of Resilience Initiative. For more detailed descriptions please look at the SoR Guidance Document

DOE Office of Sustainability

The NYC DOE Office of Sustainability provides a mix of both student related activities, resources, and professional development for school faculty and staff.

If interested in any of the following projects below please contact Meredith McDermott at the following:

Project Name: Green Teams

DESCRIPTION: Green teams are an organized group of students who work together to make their school and/or community more environmentally friendly. They work together to find ways to execute reduction and recycling solutions through advocacy and action!

NOTE: The Office of Sustainability offers a green team initiative through their Zero Waste Pledge Schools (ZWPS) and Race Against Waste (RAW) programs. If interested in these programs please scroll down for more information.

They DO NOT offer a standalone green team program but can provide curriculum and resources to start and maintain one, in coordination with the Office of Community Schools.

Student Friendly Projects

Project Name: rFuture

DESCRIPTION: Students from grades 9-12 are mentored by a professional artist to create a song and music video with a sustainability and social justice theme. All genres, language, and talent levels are encouraged to apply. No video experience needed. Students/schools in turn receive mentorship and co-writing experience with a professional musical artist and support from music industry experts.


Project Name: Energy Artwork Competition

DESCRIPTION: Student (all age groups) art contest that creates a dialogue around energy conservation through art and encourages students, staff and parents to save energy. Competition will be held in Spring 2022 and fifteen winning entries to be selected.

Teacher Needed Projects

Project Name: Race Against Waste (RAW) Program/Green Team

DESCRIPTION: (Any teacher, grades 3-8) In partnership with DOE Service in Schools, RAW teachers complete a student service-learning project focused on waste reduction. Teachers receive a professional learning network, curated resources, and many more. However, they must maintain a student green team and help prepare presentation of student service learning project.

Project Name: Zero Waste Pledge Schools (ZWPS)/Green Team

DESCRIPTION: Participants will form a professional learning community focused on modifying and deepening stakeholder engagement around zero waste. In addition oversee formation/maintenance of student Green Team

Project Name: NYC Solar Schools Education Program

DESCRIPTION: Incorporates climate and clean energy content into curriculum for grade 3-12 teachers through interactive workshops hosted by Solar One. A solar installation at your school is NOT required.


DOE’s Office of Sustainability Professional Development for Teachers/Faculty

Project Name: Climate Education Leadership Team

DESCRIPTION: In partnership with DOE Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Learning, this team of educators works to prepare the DOE for formal climate education in NYC schools. Teachers/staff will attend mandatory meetings once a month and participate in additional committee meetings as needed.

NYC Department of Environmental Protection

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection offers a variety of projects in relation to the city’s water and sewer system. If you are interested in any of the following projects, please contact the following email address:

Project Name: Drinking Water

DESCRIPTION: This project seeks to educate students on the source of our drinking water and encourage conservation efforts to save more water, especially during times of drought or high demand. This will be done by monitoring daily, weekly, and monthly water use at home/school. A water audit at school with the help of school's custodial engineer will help identify any leaks and wasteful water activities.

Students will also implement a water conservation awareness campaign to educate the school community on the importance of our drinking water supply, ways to conserve water, and how the system is vulnerable to climate change.

Finally students will promote NYC drinking water and the use of reusable bottles at home, school, and on the go through a community wide campaign. Educate on the local and global impacts of plastic pollution.

Project Name: Waste Water

DESCRIPTION: This project seeks to increase awareness on where wastewater is collected and treated, how to properly dispose of household waste, and how our actions can help optimize the sewers and treatment facilities, while protecting harbor water quality. Students will help develop a school and community campaign on the importance of keeping cooking grease, wet wipes, and other household products out of our drains. Use DEP’s Trash It. Don’t Flush It. campaign for inspiration.

Students will monitor and reduce daily, weekly, and monthly water use at home/school during wet weather events. Implement a water conservation awareness campaign to educate the school community on the importance of water conservation, especially during wet weather, to reduce water pollution. Use DEP's Wait... program for inspiration.

Project Name: Storm Water

DESCRIPTION: This project seeks to increase understanding of how storm water runoff impacts NYC, how we can help manage storm water and protect local waterways, and how these issues are exacerbated due to sea level rise and increased intensity and frequency of storms. Students will conduct a litter survey in school neighborhood. Identify the most common pollutants and try to determine their source. Organize a litter-free campaign, promote reusable materials, and explain where litter often ends up. Become DEP Harbor Protectors to help with catch basin cleaning and stenciling of educational messages, rain garden maintenance and care, and shoreline clean-ups. Monitor the effectiveness of efforts over time in community. Plan and plant a school/community garden, green space, or street trees to help absorb storm water runoff. Request a free rain barrel from DEP to collect rainwater for watering your plants.

NYC Office of Emergency Management

The New York City Office of Emergency Management or (NYCEM) provides a series of projects in relation to disaster mitigation and ways to prepare for times of crisis. If you are interested in any of the following projects, please contact the following email addresses:,

Project Name: Ready New York

DESCRIPTION: NYCEM offers the Ready New York program as a way to prepare individuals for a variety of emergencies. The program also provides workshops catered towards specific demographics such as kids, adults, senior citizens, English language learners, etc.


Project Name: NYCEM Community Preparedness

DESCRIPTION: The Community Preparedness program prepares organizations, for this case schools (specifically school staff), in actively preparing during times of emergencies and best ways to mitigate them. The program is accomplished through the following: communication, workshops/trainings, and integration/collaboration with community based organizations.


Project Name: Community Mitigation Plans

DESCRIPTION: Community Mitigation plans are community based projects (which can also be implemented on the school level) provided by NYCEM on ways to further mitigate the impact of climate change. Projects include clearing water basins, green rooftops, cool roofs, and many more. Each plan can be tailored to meet the needs of individual schools.


National Wildlife Federation

The National Wildlife Federation provides a series of projects in relation to developing/promoting climate resilience through set programming and curriculum. If you are interested in any of the following projects, please contact the following email address:

Project Name: Resilient Schools Consortium (RiSC)

DESCRIPTION: The aim of the RiSC program and curriculum is to educate youth in NYC schools about climate change science and climate impacts, as well as natural and built solutions that increase climate resiliency. RiSC engages students in knowledge-sharing through a variety of communication campaigns and provides access to hands-on projects - like tree planting and dune restoration - that mitigate the impacts of extreme weather. The program also creates opportunities for meaningful interactions with community members, resilience practitioners and decision makers in NYC.


Project Name: Eco-Schools USA

DESCRIPTION: Eco-Schools USA is a program run by the National Wildlife Federation that uses school-based action teams of students, administrators, educators, and community volunteers to drive environmental stewardship and education in schools. Eco-Schools USA combines effective “green” management of the school grounds, the facilities, and the curriculum to provide students with a unique, research and application-based learning experience.


Project Name: The Climate and Resilience Education Task Force

DESCRIPTION: The task force is available to all students (high school), faculty, and other staff across the city. The purpose of the task force is dedicated to increasing access to interdisciplinary climate education and professional learning opportunities in New York's schools. The Task Force collectively manages a range of projects that advance climate education in New York in four key areas: public events; policy; equity, justice and inclusion; and teacher support.


NYC Office of Climate and Environmental Justice

The NYC’s Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice is currently collaborating with the CUNY Graduate Center in providing a project to help students build environmental monitoring sensors. If you are interested in the following project, please contact Eunice Ko. Her email address is:

Project Name: Community Sensor Lab

DESCRIPTION: The Community Sensor Lab at CUNY’s Advanced Science Research Center seeks to equip youth and community members with research tools and STEAM skills to better advocate for local policy change on public health and environmental justice. The project mobilizes CUNY undergraduate and NYC high school students as public educators on the versatility of D-I-Y (Do-It-Yourself) electronics and sensors. Students will gain hands-on experience by physically building and programming the sensors.