13 Tips for the First 8 Weeks of School

Every Student, Every Day

Starting Strong for September-November: 13 Tips for the First 8 Weeks of School

(Sept - Nov)

Learn about Every Student, Every Day – the City’s Attendance Policy and Improvement strategy.

Complete with your team the Every Student Every Day Assets and Needs Assessment

Work with your Principal to launch a campaign to promote September Attendance Awareness Month!

Get to know the staff in your school working on attendance, including the Attendance Coordinator, Attendance Teacher, Guidance Counselor, Parent Coordinator, and ATS Pupil Accounting Secretary.

Together with the Principal, schedule Weekly Attendance Team Meetings.

Review the data in the DOE Tool Insight or the New Visions Portal for trends in data and a list of chronically absent students.

Launch a Success Mentor Program and connect Success Mentors to students who were chronically absent during the 2020-21 school year.

Organize regular check-ins with Success Mentors.

Assist with the completion of the school’s Every Student, Every Day Attendance Policy and Plan.

Host a Back to School Fair that highlight the importance of Every Student attending school Every Day.

Unite with the providers in your building and determine how to leverage supports to respond to the needs of the community through ESED Assets and Needs Report.

Recognize any potential low attendance days and put in place preventative interventions school-wide, by grade and/or classroom, and by the student.

Confidentiality agreements must be signed by CBO Partner to gain access (Username and password) to student-level data from Insight. Instructions can be found here and here.