Battery from Spare Change

This project was "inspired" from a review in Treehugger Magazine of the 17 Best DIY Gadget Projects of 2013.Here is the link for the complete step-by-step project instructions.

Matthew Pleskow worked on this project during Summer Fab Lab TA training. Rather than sand one side of the batter down to the zinc, it was easier to use zinc washers sandwiched with the copper coated penny.

Two- or three-person teams to make and test a battery from pennies, zinc washers, and vinegar-soaked cardboard.

Blog Post (Individual) - include photos and a video demonstration of your battery.. Answer the following questions in your written reflection:

  1. How many cells (layers) to light up a red LED?
  2. How did you wire up (configure) your battery to light 2 LEDs?
  3. Could you make a battery to light up 3 LEDs?