The Wallet

You will organize in pairs. Each person will interview the other person about their life as told through the contents of their wallet. You will develop a design prototype for a new wallet that will meet the needs of their life as told through their personal stories. The wallet prototype will be made from re-purposed materials (my box of colored paper, stick-ons, crap and gadgets from Michael's, colored Post-It Notes in my drawer, dumpster diving in my trash can, and anything else that may be considered a "re-purposed" material in the Fab Lab.

The deliverable is a single post in the IB Design-Tech Year 1 Tab of your Student Web Page

Follow the Nueva Design Process

  • Sketch your ideal wallet
  • Conduct a "Deep Dive" Interview of Your Partner
  • Complete a Needs Statement
  • Ideate - 3-7 Radical Sketches that Meet the Needs Statement
  • Solicit Feedback from your Partner (partner sketches notes, comments, and signs OK on your sketch sheet)
  • Design a Low-Res Prototype
  • Reveal in Public Roundtable
  • Reflect - answer the questions on page 9 of the Neuva Design Process

Summative Assessment (Maximum Score = 70 Points)

  • Photos with Captions documenting the Process: 0,5 or 10 points (no slideshows or GIF for this exercise)
  • Glam Shots of Your Wallet: 0, 5 or 10 points
  • Photo of the Recipient with his/her new wallet (prototype); 0, 5 or 10 points
  • Scan of Interview Notes: 0, 5 or 10 points
  • Re-statement of Needs Statement (at least two) in your web post...(don't just scan the forms): 0, 5 or 10 points
  • Scan of Sketches with Feedback Comments and Sign Off Initials: 0, 5, or 10 points
  • Reflection Comments (50-100 words): 0, 5 or 10 points