Welcome to my page on the Osprey. In this page I'll have three paragraphs about this midwest bird. Here's a table of contents.
What do they look like
Where do they live
What do they look like?
Adults are large and have a brown back, and wings in contrast to their white underparts.They have a white head with a brown line through the eye, and a black beak.P.S an Osprey is a bird of prey so it catches live fish and eats them.
Ospreys require nest sites in open surroundings for easy approach,with a wide sturdy base and and safety from ground predators(such as raccoons).
Where do they live
Ospreys live year-round in parts of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Texas, California, and Oregon. Their habitat is lakes and ponds.
link to allaboutbirds.com:Click!
link to a live osprey video:Click!