Whole School Curriculum Development

What support is available for whole school & cluster curriculum development in 2024/25?

Bespoke Support:- If you would like bespoke support for professional learning in any aspect of whole school curriculum development, please get into contact and we can broker this for you. Please contact James.Kent@sewaleseas.org.uk with requests. We are happy to facilitate requests for individual schools or clusters.

Cluster Support (Shared Understanding of Progression):- In 2024/25 we will continue to work with Professor Mick Waters and schools to refine our action research approach to developing a shared understanding of progression across clusters. EAS team members can also provide support at a cluster level to support curriculum planning and progression, working across the learning continuum.

Professional Learning:- As part of our professional learning offer there are some programmes available to support whole school curriculum development. These are highlight below.

Resources:- There are a range of resources that could be utilised to support wholes school professional learning, which have been curated into collections below. We will also be sharing examples of whole school curriculum planning, to provide practical support to schools over the coming months.

Networks:- We will continue to run the secondary curriculum design network (hosted by secondary schools across the region) and the Progression and Assessment network, to provide system level updates and share practice across schools.  

Professional Learning Offer

To navigate to the EAS Professional Learning Offer, please click below:

The development of whole school approaches to assessment and progression

More information will appear here

Innovative ways of implementing the curriculum in the secondary school (Year 7 to Year 9)

More information will appear here


Examples of Whole School Curriculum Planning

Please click here to access examples of whole school approaches to curriculum planning

Curriculum for Wales National Programme Materials

Please click here to access the nationally developed curriculum for Wales programme materials

Professional Learning Materials to Support Whole School INSET

Please click here to access some professional learning materials that may support the delivery of whole school INSET sessions


Progression and Assessment Network - Recent Recordings

October 2023

November 2023

March 2024

Summer term session will appear here.

Links to Join Whole School Networks

To join the Progression and Assessment Network, please click here

To join the Secondary Curriculum Design Network, please click here


Contact information

For further information, guidance or support in respect of whole school curriculum development, please contact james.kent@sewaleseas.org.uk 

Tel: 07944235278