Athrofa Initial Teacher Education

The Athrofa Professional Learning Partnership (APLP) employs an innovative network model with which to place student-teachers, with 18 Lead Partner Schools supporting wider networks of Partner School.

The Athrofa Professional Learning Partnership

Teacher Education is delivered through the Athrofa Professional Learning Partnership (APLP).

A genuine collaboration between Yr Athrofa: Institute of Education and Humanities and partner schools, the APLP has co-constructed programmes for teachers at all stages in their professional lives – from student-teachers setting out on their career journey, to system leaders managing change.

Want to become a teacher ? How can I study at Athrofa?

All information for prospective ITE students and partnership schools can be found by clicking the link below. 

During the current restrictions ITE partnerships continue to work with schools to adapt and provide a high quality ITE experience for students .  If you have any questions about how the provision has adapted please contact or University partnership office. 

Athrofa Partnership Schools across the EAS Region

Garnteg Primary School 

Lewis Girls School 

Chepstow Comprehensive School

Maindee Primary School 

How can my school get involved in supporting ITE at the Athrofa?

As the partnership grows there are opportunities for new schools to work with Athrofa in ITE partnerships. If your school is interested in getting involved please contact for more information

Wider Professional Learning Opportunities at Athrofa

Perspectives, a podcast series featuring expert opinion from academics at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David about some of the most pressing societal challenges. You’ll hear from academics and researchers from across UWTSD’s disciplines – from Anthropology to Youth Work; Business to Public Services and more - on what they think will be the biggest challenges as we look to the future.

MA Education (Wales) is a pan-Wales Masters course run in collaboration across the 7 HEIs.  Across the HEIs there are 350 funded places for practitioners who have between 3-6 years of experience and a further 150 places for practitioners working in partnership schools.  

For further information related to the Athrofa contact Deb Woodward Assistant Director Professional Learning : or Hannah Barry Professional Learning