Research and Enquiry

I want the practice of our leaders, teachers, support staff and local authority (LA) staff to be informed by accessible research evidence and professional enquiry. We believe this will be critical to the successful realisation of our new school curriculum  

Jeremy Miles MS

Minister for Education and the Welsh Language, June 2021 

National Strategy for Educational Research and Enquiry

In June 2021 the Welsh government launched  The National Strategy for Educational Research and Enquiry (NSERE): vision document.  The aim of the NSERE is that educational policy and practice in Wales should be informed by the best available research evidence and disciplined enquiry undertaken by educational professionals. 

The developments will focus on enabling practitioners to be both consumers of high quality research and producers of professional enquiry that is informed by rigorous research methods. This is the reason why both ‘research’ and ‘enquiry’ are included in the strategy, so that the approach we take in Wales is inclusive and ‘close to practice’ 


National Professional Enquiry Project (NPEP)

This programme is supporting a growing network of schools to develop a range of enquiry skills by leading enquiries in their own setting to explore professional learning requirements for the new curriculum.  Following the 20/21 enquiry cycle, these lead enquiry schools will be equipped to support the wider schools network to begin to develop as professional enquiriers in readiness for 2022.

38 schools from across the region have taken part in the NPEP project during 2020-21. Schools enquires focused on one of four themes ‘Assessment and Progression', 'Re-imagining schooling', 'Inclusion,'  'Pedagogy and Learning’. Click on the school to see a summary of their enquiry. 

2021/22 research projects will be updated soon. 

Assessment and Progression

Re-imagining schooling


Pedagogy and Learning 

How can I develop a whole school approach to Research and Enquiry? 

Undertaking Professional Enquiry - Cardiff Met

Cardiff Metropolitan University have developed a guide to undertaking a professional Enquiry.  We would recommend this as a good starting point. 


Spirals of Inquiry: An example of a professional enquiry approach 

The Cardiff Met guide references ‘spiral of inquiry’ – an approach to professional enquiry developed by teachers and school leaders in British Columbia, Canada.

 This approach presumes that teachers with a curious and enquiring mindset will undertake collaborative work within their schools to seek understanding and solutions to common problems or challenges they face. 

Interesting current research 

Research and resources from our strategic partners 

Cardiff Partnership for ITE Professional Learning Offer.pdf

Link to Research webinars hosted by Cardiff Met University

For more information contact :

Professional Learning Lead Partner (Leadership and Teaching)