Support for Equity

With the introduction of the Curriculum for Wales, schools and other educational settings across Wales are designing, using and refining their curriculum to ensure all children and young people are supported to reach their full potential. 

Here you will find guidance, resources and support to help schools and settings develop their whole school approaches to equity. 

What's available? Click on the links below to navigate to the support and resources you require!

Regional support for vulnerable and disadvantaged learners, families and wider community work

Find out how Cwmcarn Primary School have developed their provision and improved the attainment of their vulnerable and disadvantaged learners. 

See below for information, guidance and resources to support your school's approaches to equity. 

This poster provides school leaders with all of the links to regional and national resources, regional professional learning and national guidance to support schools in mitigating the impact of poverty.  The poster brings together all of the strands for a strategic anti-poverty approach centred on learners, families and the wider community.

Regional support for disadvantaged learners families and wider comm.pdf

Supporting Vulnerable Learners Through Effective Teaching and Learning

This set of professional learning materials is available for free to all teachers in maintained schools across Wales.

Funding has been provided by Welsh Government, through EAS, GwE, the Mid-Wales Partnership and Partneriaeth. All teachers in Wales can access the materials for free. Sign up using your Hwb email address.

Click below to find out how schools have used this resource to support their teaching and learning

Making use of the Pupil Development Grant (PDG), Early Years Pupil Development Grant (EYPDG) and PDG-LAC Grant

Grant Planning Guidance 2024-25.pptx

Grant Planning Guidance

Grant Planning Guidance Recording

Cluster PDG Grant Planning Guidance.pptx

Cluster PDG-LAC Grant Planning Guidance


WG Pupil Development Grant Guidance


Community Focused Schools Guidance

annex-1-pupil-development-grant-school-statement-template-231204 (1) (3).docx

PDG Strategy Statement Template

Mitigating the impact of poverty

A school's approach and provision for tackling aspects of poverty

Gaer and Maesglas Primary School

A school's approach and provision for tackling aspects of poverty

Lliswerry Primary

A school approach to mitigating the impact of poverty

Tredegar Comprehensive

A cluster approach to mitigating the impact of poverty

Monmouth Cluster

For guidance, support and professional learning in mitigating the impact of poverty in your school or cluster , see the overviews below.

Flyer for Bespoke support for anti-poverty Sept 6th 2022 (w).pdf

Developing an Anti-Poverty Strategy – Bespoke Support

Flyer for RADY Sept 6th 2022 (w).pdf

RADY - Raising Attainment for Disadvantaged Youngsters

Family and Community Engagement

Community Focused Schools: Developing a strategic approach to Family and Community Engagement

Coed Eva and Bleinheim Primary Schools

For guidance, support and professional learning in developing your Family and Community engagement in your school or cluster, see the overview below.

An overview of the FaCE programme - 2023 updated_.pdf
Engaging with Stakeholders autumn 2023 (002).pdf

When scoping for your curriculum and to support your self-evaluation of the whole school approach, the Engaging Stakeholders Guidance will support you with ideas, suggestions and case studies. 

Children who are Looked After (CLA)

For guidance, support and professional learning in supporting Children who are Looked After (CLA) see the information below.

An overview of the support for designated CLA Leads_.pdf


For guidance, support and professional learning in supporting diversity click here