Literacy: Secondary

News and Opportunities

The LLC Team offers a wide range of professional learning opportunities. Please see the EAS Professional Learning Offer  for English and literacy, including opportunities provided by Partner Schools. 

Resources and Exemplification

Ensuring Consistency

In this section, skills leads and literacy coordinators can find over-arching guidance documents, examples of key documentation, and resources to support planning and consistency for literacy across the curriculum in secondary schools. 


Guidance Report

121 - Example - Lliswerry High School Skills 3 Year Action Plan.pdf
122 - BFS Literacy Intervention Plan 20-21.pdf
122 - BFS Literacy Handbook 20.21.pdf

Curriculum Mapping Tool and Disciplinary Literacy

This adaptable excel tool from the EAS Curriculum Team can be downloaded and used by all skills coordinators for a variety of purposes, such as to map provision of cross-curricular skills or to exemplify the development, application and progression of cross-curricular skills through embedded hyperlinks to pupils' work. 

127 - Lit - Num - DCF Tracking Document Adaptable Template (1).xlsx

Quality Assurance and Self-Evaluation

143 - Literacy & Numeracy ESTYN guidance.pdf

What to look for when evaluating literacy skills provision, development and application across the curriculum.

143 - Estyn Style Questions for co-ordinators.pdf

A range of questions to ask literacy coordinators and skills leads when evaluating provision, development and application of literacy skills across the curriculum. 

144 - Literacy - Listening to Learners.pdf

Questions and prompts for literacy focused pupil voice.  


Learning Walk Prompts

145 - Literacy Prompts for Work Scrutiny and Lesson Observations.pdf

Intervention Support

This useful section of the Education Endowment Foundation's website gives overviews of a range of literacy interventions, their impact and their value for money. 

Personalised Assessments

The Writing Revolution - Case Studies

In 2022-2023, a selection of primary and secondary schools were represented by English teachers and literacy leads on ‘The Writing Revolution’ professional learning programme. Participants were trained on strategies to improve the proficiency of pupils’ writing using ‘The Hochman Method’, an explicit set of sequenced strategies for teaching expository writing that can be integrated into any content. Please see below a selection of case studies produced by participants.