Health and Wellbeing

The Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience (Area) provides a holistic structure for understanding health and well-being. It is concerned with developing the capacity of learners to navigate life's opportunities and challenges. The fundamental components of this Area are physical health and development, mental health, and emotional and social well-being. It will support learners to understand and appreciate how the different components of health and well-being are interconnected, and it recognises that good health and well-being are important to enable successful learning.

What's available? Click on the links below to navigate to the support and resources you require!

Health and Wellbeing AoLE Progression Maps 

Coming soon! Health and Wellbeing AoLE Progression Maps to support your Curriculum planning and design. 

Developing physical health and well-being has lifelong benefits. 

How we process and respond to our experiences affects our mental health and emotional well-being.

Our decision-making impacts on the quality of our lives and the lives of others.

How we engage with social influences shapes who we are and affects our health and well-being.

Healthy relationships are fundamental to our well-being.

Using the Microsoft Reflect App to support tracking and trends of learner wellbeing

A wellbeing app to support connection, expression, and learning available here: 

You just need your Hwb login to access!

Watch this session to find out more about how to use the Microsoft Reflect App to support tracking and trends of learner wellbeing


Session Powerpoint


Microsoft Reflect App

Emotion Board Kit resources

The Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing

The Framework on embedding a whole-school approach to emotional and mental well-being aims to address the emotional and mental well-being needs of all children and young people, as well as school staff as part of the whole-school community. 

Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Emotional Well-being WG Framework.pdf

Schools and local authorities are required to have regard to this Framework when developing action plans, strategies and other policies that impact on the well-being of learners, staff and others working within the school environment.

Engaging with Stakeholders autumn 2023 (002).pdf

When scoping for your curriculum and to support your self-evaluation of the whole school approach, the Engaging Stakeholders Guidance will support you with ideas, suggestions and case studies. 

Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning

When developing your curriculum to develop social and emotional skills, the Education Endowment Foundation and SEAL Community can support. 


Education Endowment Foundation - research recommendations

Improving Social and Emotional Learning in Primary Schools

Improving Social and Emotional Learning in Primary Schools reviews the best available research to offer school leaders six practical recommendations to support good SEL for all children. Evidence from the EEF’s Teaching and Learning Toolkit suggests that effective SEL can lead to learning gains of +4 months over the course of a year.

The SEAL initiative aims to support children aged from 3-16 years to develop the social and emotional capabilities of:

These interpersonal and intrapersonal skills have been shown to improve learning and promote emotional health and wellbeing, alongside a range of other benefits to pupils, families and schools. SEAL aims to provide an entitlement curriculum to develop social and emotional skills within a structured and progressive framework, offering class-based teaching to all children from 3-16yrs.

The approach does, however, recognise that schools will need to provide a continuum of provision to meet the needs of all learners in this area. In addition to providing curriculum resources for class-based work, schools have access to sets of materials designed to be used within a small group context, for children who may have additional needs in one or more area of the social and emotional aspects of learning.

All schools within the EAS region have funded access to

SEAL is mapped to new Curriculum for Wales: Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience and can support your schools curriculum development and design.

To access your free account click on the button below to email Kate Phillips and receive your login.

Sports Wales

A Sport Wales platform, housing hundreds of FREE resources to help children become healthy and confident individuals.

The resources align with the Curriculum for Wales Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience by developing pupils’ skills, knowledge and understanding that physical health and well-being has lifelong benefits.

These resources enable teachers and anyone offering physical activity and sport to create and design exciting developmental learning opportunities within the curriculum, in extra-curricular and within community provision.

The resources are FREE to access, but you will need to create an account first.

Watch the webinar below on how to use the reosurces to support your curriculum planning and design! 

Watch here to see how Maindee Primary School have used the Sports Wales CitBag and other resources to develop their physical aspects of their Health and Wellbeing AoLE and curriculum.

Food and Nutrition

Looking to develop your Health and Wellbeing AoLE and support learners with nutrition? Visit for resources and support!


Cooking - Curriculum Roadmap


Healthy Eating - Curriculum Roadmap


Where food comes from - Curriculum Roadmap

The team at Food – a fact of life has been busy putting together some new additions to our series of Knowledge organisers for both primary and secondary schools. If you are looking for resources to support pupil learning in class or to use as a revision aid, these Knowledge organisers are ideal.

Cross Cutting Theme: Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

Click here to access the EAS RSE Toolkit for Schools

Below is a guide for schools to support them in addressing questions and concerns about teaching and learning in RSE.

A process for clarifying RSE content - Nov 2022.pdf

Cross Cutting Theme: Diversity

Coming soon: Developing your Anti-Racism Toolkit for Schools 

Below are links to Diversity and Anti-Racism Professional Learning to further support schools in developing their anti-racism approaches


Creating an Anti-Racist Culture in Schools - A Practical Guide for School Leaders in Wales

DARPL Tube Map Bilingual 2024.pdf

DARPL Professional Learning Offer to support all practitioners

Books Council Diversity Black Asian and Minority Ethnic.xlsx

Books Council Wales: Diversity Booklist

DARPL-Early-Years-Toolkit_ENGLISH (1).pdf

Creating an Anti-Racist Culture in Settings - A practical toolkit for those working in childcare, early years and play in Wales


Eradicate Racism in Learning Organisations Guidance

This guide is intended to offer a practical guide to effectively challenging racist incidents within education settings and learning organisations in Wales. 

Cross Cutting Theme: Human Rights

Use our  interactive Roadmap to Rights resource to support your school to embed human rights into your Curriculum.

EAS road to rights roadmap with links to videos.pdf

Below are useful websites and links to support schools in developing Human Rights into their curriculum. 

Cross Cutting Theme: Careers and Work Related Education (CWRE)

Careers Wales provide a wealth of resources and information to support the development of Careers and Work-related Education within your curriculum.

Visit for information and resources to support planning careers and work-related experiences (CWRE) in primary settings, secondary settings, special school settings and non-maintained settings. 

See below for a Toolkit from Careers Wales to support schools to develop their CWRE approaches.


Health and Wellbeing: Outdoor Learning 

The Wales Council for Outdoor Learning brings together stakeholders involved in Outdoor Learning in Wales.  Below are links to useful resources to support the development of outdoor learning within your curriculum. 


High Quality Outdoor Learning for Wales builds on the original High Quality Outdoor Learning document created by OEAP and the English Outdoor Council, setting the document in a Wales specific context; dovetailing Outdoor Learning best practice with Welsh Government legislation and the new Curriculum for Wales. 

Outdoor Learning Training Network Wales (OLTNW) is an all-Wales network ensuring high quality and standards when developing new accredited outdoor learning courses, and in the delivery of a range of accredited units. 

Many teachers would like to know where they can take their pupils to learn outdoors and who can help them with their outdoor learning experiences. You can use the interactive resource below to help you identify both places to visit and outdoor learning providers. 

Practitioners should consider how play and outdoor learning can support learners’ wellbeing. Both provide wide ranging opportunities to support learning as well to enhance learners’ relationships, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

The attachments below offer ‘top-tips’ and guidance.


Outdoor Learning for Foundation Phase and KS2


Outdoor Learning for KS2


Outdoor Learning for KS3


Outdoor Learning for KS4


Outdoor Learning for KS5