Welsh Government Updates 

Recruit, Recover, Raise Standards

Consultation Seeking Views on the School Year  

Jeremy Miles MS, Minister for Education and Welsh Language has opened a consultation seeking views on the school year.  We are seeking your views on proposals to amend school term dates so that terms are more equal in length, with more evenly distributed breaks, for maintained schools in Wales.


The consultation: https://www.gov.wales/structure-school-year starts today, 21 November 2023 and will be open until 12 February 2024. We would like to attract a wide range of responses, so would be grateful if you could forward this email on to anyone in your networks who may have an interest. 


If you prefer to use social media, a message is available on our Twitter (@WG_Education / @LlC_Addysg) and Facebook (@EducationWales / @AddysgCymru).

Shared Understanding of Progression – Welsh Government

Brief overview

Welsh Government have confirmed that plans for securing a shared understanding of learner progression need to be in place by September 2023, but schools can capture these arrangements within existing plans e.g. the Cluster Plan. Please see the link below, which sets out the full direction of the detail.  

National Data Collection 2023

The Welsh Government is expecting Key Stage 3 (KS3) data only to be returned having removed the requirements for Baseline Assessment data this year, and having previously removed the requirements for Foundation Phase Outcomes (FO) and Key Stage 2 (KS2) data in 2021/2022. In addition, as KS3 requirements were also removed for Special Schools in the 2021/2022 data collection, this means that due to the removal of Baseline Assessment data for 2022/2023, no data return is expected from Special Schools this year. As a result, the NDC return for the 2022/2023 academic year that is currently happening should only contain KS3 data; and this is expected from all maintained schools that have KS3 teaching taking place, with the exception of Special Schools. Technical Completion Notes for the ongoing collection that provides further details can be found at https://www.gov.wales/national-data-collection-ndc-technical-completion-notes-schools-and-local-authorities.


With regard to the KS3 data required by the Welsh Government, as in previous years, this must include the individual learner’s end of KS3 teacher assessment data for any learner on the school register at the on roll date, being 9 May 2023 for this year’s collection. All learners in their final year of KS3 must receive a teacher assessment in each relevant core and non-core attainment target and subject. For the end of KS3 teacher assessments, they are based on the national curriculum year group in which the pupil is taught, rather than the pupil’s date of birth that indicates if they are eligible for assessment, and should be included within the school’s data for the NDC as outlined in section 3 of the Technical Completion Notes. This approach has not changed from previous years when this data was collected. 


You can also find the Welsh Government’s guidance on continued assessment arrangements from summer 2022 and during the transition period to the new Curriculum for Wales at https://hwb.gov.wales/curriculum-for-wales/assessment-arrangements/supporting-transition-from-the-current-arrangements-to-curriculum-for-wales/.


If you have any queries regarding the above, feel free to get in touch with us at IMS@gov.wales.

Performance management in schools – changing the culture

The Welsh Government is developing revised performance management guidance to bring arrangements in line with other changes in education.

We want to engage with a range of practitioners (teachers, leaders, and support staff) from all phases, via online Teams meetings in May.

If you would like to join in, please complete this form https://forms.office.com/e/UuLRNsNrsZ 

Personlsied Assessment Regional_LA messages - January 2023 - early spring term key messges Bilingual.pdf

Personalised Assessments 2023 – Welsh Government Reminder

Assessments can be taken at any time during the school year. There is no set assessment window.  Personalised assessments are for formative use, with a range of feedback on individuals and group skills that support understanding of strengths and areas for improvement. The outcomes should not be used for performance measure purposes.  The personalised assessments are statutory this year. The administration handbook for 2022 to 2023 sets out the requirements 

Summer term 2022 updates

13 July 2022

Regulations about reporting school and pupil information


A summary of the requirements for reporting school and pupil information.


There have been a number of policy changes that have impacted on school reporting requirements. Whilst these reforms are ongoing, the information below sets out the current regulatory requirements for reporting school and pupil information.


Regulations about reporting school and pupil information [HTML] | GOV.WALES

16 June 2022

Additional Learning Needs Implementation – June Update 2022




PUBLISHED TODAY: Implementing the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018: practitioner guide


A new practitioner guide has been published to support local authorities, governing bodies of maintained schools, management committees of pupil referral units (PRUs), school and PRU teaching staff and additional learning needs coordinators (ALNCos) to understand the arrangements for the implementation of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (ALN Act).

This guide sets out the arrangements for moving children from the special educational needs (SEN) system to the additional learning needs (ALN) system over the three year implementation period (1 September 2021 to 31August 2024).


Explainer animation on the new ALN system for children and young people

This video animation is aimed at children and young people. It explains the new ALN system, how it works and how it will support learners with additional learning needs.


Please share this across your channels. https://youtu.be/zGqUdATKI6E


Thank you for continuing to provide the information, specialist support and extra resources to meet the needs of children and young people with ALN.


Find out more about the ALN Transformation Programme:

Online Additional learning needs | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES


Twitter #additionallearningneeds #ALNWales #ALNAct

E-mail ALNImplementation@gov.wales  

10 June 2022

Personalised Assessments Update – June 2022


Spring term 2022 updates

28 March 2022

The National Resource: Evaluation and Improvement

The National Resource for Evaluation and Improvement will be launched on the 11th May at 1pm by Jeremy Miles, Minister for Education and Welsh Language. 

Details of the virtual national launch event will follow - The national resource: evaluation and improvement - Hwb (gov.wales) 

14 March 2022

Personalised assessments – key messages - March 2022


10 February 2022

As we collectively deliver a new curriculum for Wales, raising standards in a national endeavour we all share, PISA 2022 will take a sample of our education system and help us jointly identify the most appropriate next steps. For more information  

Headteacher Event with the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, 17 February 2022

Please share the link to the headteacher’s event on 17 February with your schools

Curriculum for Wales – towards September 2022: what you need to know and do

There is no need to register, just visit the page on the day.

For those who can’t attend, the session will be recorded.

Questions can be posted on the day, sent in advance or if you’d like to ask your question direct to the Minister on the day we have a limited number of spaces available.  Please contact dysg@gov.wales 

27 January 2022

Reform of the school year


School leaders and governments across the world are looking at the rhythm of the school year to see whether changes can help avoid children “losing” learning during long holidays, ensure a better recovery from the effects of the pandemic and create a structure that works better for teachers and school staff.

Will a change better align with working / family patterns and provide greater opportunities for young people? Will change have an effect on other sectors of the economy and public services, and how could changes help improve learner wellbeing and confidence, and improve recruitment and retention within the school workforce?

To inform Welsh Government policy development, we are currently engaging with stakeholders including the education workforce, non-education stakeholders such as employers, specific industries (e.g. tourism) and also children and young people to gather thoughts, ideas and opinions.

One key element of this research and engagement stage are online surveys – one for the education workforce and one for young people (under 18). As one of the Welsh Government’s valued stakeholders we’d very much appreciate your help to spread the word about these surveys to the relevant audiences: the more people who have their say, the better the range of ideas and the stronger the research and engagement will be.


You can find the surveys via the links below:


Education workforce survey – bit.ly/33u226m

Young people’s survey - bit.ly/3If3Q1H

What's in this pack?

We have created a pack to provide some simple tools to help you share this opportunity with your own networks, colleagues and audiences. The content has been tailored to target the two audiences of the surveys mentioned above. This includes:

- Example social media posts

- Example text for email, website or newsletter

- Images and a short animation

Please feel free to tweak and edit the text to suit your own needs, preferences and audiences.

You can access all materials through the hyperlinks below:

For Google Drive click here 

For Dropbox click here

WeTransfer: https://we.tl/t-46ESjkyK5G

19 January 2022

The Relaxation of School Reporting Requirements (Wales) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2022

Please see attached letter from Huw Owen, Deputy Director Schools Effectiveness Division, regarding The Relaxation of School Reporting Requirements (Wales) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2022

Autumn term 2021 updates

22 October 2021

New plan to recruit more Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic teachers

The Welsh Government has today announced its intention to introduce financial incentives to help recruit more ethnic minority teachers.

The Plan will include targeting promotion of teaching as a career to more people from ethnic minority communities. There will also be a requirement for Initial Teacher Education courses to work towards the recruitment of a percentage of students from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Read more - New plan to recruit more Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic teachers | GOV.WALES 

22 September 2021

Curriculum for Wales: The journey to curriculum rollout

Today (22 September 2021) we have published Curriculum for Wales: the journey to curriculum rollout which sets out clear common expectations, priorities and approaches to help schools prepare for curriculum rollout. Video message from the Minister

Written Statement

To further support schools we have also launched the new National Network. Led by teaching practitioners, and open to all schools and settings, it will bring together teachers from across schools, curriculum experts and a range of stakeholders to work together to make the most of the opportunities of reform.

 Curriculum for Wales Blog: National Network launches for Curriculum

Published today is the Government Social Research service’s interim report on the survey of schools’ preparations for the new curriculum.

We have also published Renew and Reform: September 2021 update.

Headteacher conference

We also announce the date of our Journey to curriculum rollout conference on 14 October 2021, 16:00-17:30

This year’s conference will be hosted virtually with contributions from the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Welsh Government Director of Education, schools, regional consortia, Estyn, Qualifications Wales and NAEL. 

 To understand the issues affecting the curriculum rollout journey, we ask that headteachers complete the following survey by 30 September, and share with us their areas of concern.  This will inform the conference agenda, where the top three concerns will be addressed by our contributors.

Joining instructions and links to the conference will be shared via Directors of Education and regional consortia MDs.

School Performance Reporting Arrangements - 2021-2022

In terms of data releases this is what WG have published on School Performance Reporting the latest Covid-19 Update (from 21 June 2021) is here:

School performance reporting arrangements: COVID-19 update | GOV.WALES

WG have also published an information management strategy calendar for 2021.

Information Management strategy calendar 2021/22 e (gov.wales)

May 2022 has the requirement for KS3 assessment data to be returned to Welsh Government, but we know that KS3 should not be used for accountability purposes (since 2018)

Summer term 2021 updates

21 June 2021

Written Statement: School information, improvement and inspection arrangements – supporting renewal and reform

Please see enclosed Written Statement: School information, improvement and inspection arrangements – supporting renewal and reform.

Spring term 2021 updates

Assessments update

Private candidates

Qualifications Wales has published guidance for private candidates and Welsh Government published a list of centres for private candidates this week.

Qualifications Wales is also undertaking a campaign to publicise the information to private candidates.


And a link to the private candidate guidance – we are doing a paid for social campaign too


WJEC have updated the Summer 2021 webpages.

WJEC have published a Student Guide.


Next week

Welsh Government updating private candidate information early next week to include further support available for private candidates taking non WJEC qualifications.  The UK Government Department of Education will be updating their guidance to reflect this too.


WJEC will make the following materials relating to their Vocational Qualifications available next week - via the WJEC Secure Website.

15 April 2021

Personalised assessments in 2020/21 Important update: 

Personalised assessments - Hwb (gov.wales)

In 2020/21, personalised assessments in Numeracy (Procedural) and Reading are available to take at any time. Due to the disruption caused by Covid-19, the requirement for schools to run the assessments is on a ‘reasonable endeavours’ basis. The changes to the requirements are set out in the Addendum to Personalised Assessments Administration Handbook 2020/21. Addendum to Personalised Assessment Administration Handbook 2020/21.


WJEC working in partnership with AlphaPlus, on behalf of the Welsh Government, has developed a series of professional learning materials to support schools and teachers in their use of the Personalised Assessments.  Further guidance on accessing is attached.

8 April 2021

Assessment arrangements: summer term 2021

Guidance for schools and settings on learner assessment for the summer term 2021 including key considerations to support learner progression and supporting case studies. This relates to normal assessment practice not the arrangements being made for general qualifications this year: Assessment arrangements: summer term 2021 | GOV.WALES

11 March 2021

In the Welsh Government, Supporting information for learning in schools and settings from 15 March (https://gov.wales/supporting-information-learning-schools-and-settings-15-march-html), there are two small but important paragraphs related to Moderation Arrangements and Personalised Assessments.


Moderation Arrangements: “To create greater space and flexibility for this more individualised approach to assessment, we will be disapplying the requirements for end of key stage assessments (Foundation Phase, Key Stages 2 and 3) and the associated moderation requirements.” 


Personalised Assessments: “Our policy on requirements around personalised assessments and continuous assessment of the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 and 3 is that they will continue on a reasonable endeavours basis to enable teachers to understand and support individual learner needs. Further information on expectations for continuous assessment and personalised assessments will be provided.”

3 March 2021

Return to education - press release, letter to schools and timing

Here are the following links to the  press release:


Video now released on twitter

https://twitter.com/wgmin_education/status/1367006828081520641 (English)

https://twitter.com/wgmin_education/status/1367006832745533448 (Cymraeg)


Press release

https://gov.wales/more-pupils-have-opportunity-return-schools-easter (English)

https://llyw.cymru/mwy-o-ddisgyblion-i-gael-y-cyfle-i-ddychwelyd-ir-ysgol-cyn-y-pasg?_ga=2.78696023.250934065.1614756584-324039894.1609932261 (Cymraeg)

2 March 2021

Update on the Additional Learning Needs system 


The Minister for Education has today announced that the Additional Learning Needs Code and associated regulations have been laid before Senedd Cymru.  


You can view the Code, Explanatory Memorandum and Integrated Impact Assessment here and the associated regulations here:



Further information about the ALN transformation programme and guidance on the current SEN system is available here including our frequently asked questions and ALN transformation programme guide.

Please send any queries to SENReforms@gov.wales 

27 January 2021

20 January 2021

Assessment arrangements for GCSE, AS and A level grades in summer 2021    

14 January 2021

Update on the Additional Learning Needs system 


Welsh Government has now published non-statutory guidance for the three new ALN co-ordinating officer roles that came into force on 4 January ahead of the planned introduction of the ALN system in September of this year.


The three guides can be found online at the following links;


Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCO)


Designated Education Clinical Lead Officer (DECLO)


 Early Years Additional Learning Needs Lead Officer (Early Years ALNLO)


8 January 2021

Live-streaming and video-conferencing: safeguarding principles and practice

This guidance was originally published in May 2020 entitled Live-streaming safeguarding principles and practice for education practitioners during the COVID-19 outbreak when most practitioners were working from home. This document formed part of the continuity of learning ‘Stay Safe. Stay Learning.’ programme and is aimed at maintained schools and settings in Wales.

In September 2020 the guidance was updated and re-published to reflect instances where practitioners and learners are back in the classroom. However, it still retains guidance on working and learning from a home environment. It has also been extended to include guidance for other practitioners and external organisations that support maintained schools and settings and their learners.


Autumn term 2020 updates

National Reading and Numeracy Personalised Assessments

Relates to online reading and numeracy tests (years 2 to 9).  The reasoning assessments are currently being trialled and will not become statutory until 2021-22


Consortia role in supporting Personalised Assessments

25 November 2020

Update on the Additional Learning Needs system 

The Senedd yesterday approved the ‘Draft: Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (Wales) Regulations 2020’ (“ALNCo Regulations 2020”) which will come into force on 4 January 2021. This marks another significant step towards the implementation of the ALN system; and our goal of transforming the expectations, experiences and outcomes for children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN).

The ALNCo Regulations 2020 prescribe the qualifications and experience of the ALNCo role and will help to ensure greater consistency in how schools and further education institutions in Wales will exercise their duty to designate an ALNCo.

Please note that as indicated in her statement on the 3 November, the Minister for Education has commenced by way of Order, the requirements in the ALN Act for schools and further education institutions; health boards; and local authorities to designate, respectively, an ALNCo; Designated Education Clinical Lead Officer (DECLO) and the Early Years Additional Learning Needs Lead Officer (EYALNLO) on 4 January 2021.  

We will shortly be publishing non-statutory guidance on the operational duties of the three ALN statutory roles. This will be based on the intended final text of the ALN Code which has been developed and revised following the 2018-19 code consultation and is to be laid before the Senedd in February 2021.

ALNCos have a vital role to play in helping schools and FEIs to prepare to deliver their statutory duties and responsibilities under the ALN Act 2018. Before these duties commence on a phased basis from September 2021, ALNCos in schools and FEIs across Wales have an opportunity to embed systems and practice; build effective and collaborative relationships; and to lead the whole education setting in delivering the ALN system effectively.

To support the ALNCo role we are developing an ALN National Professional Learning Programme. This is a targeted programme of training and development where tailored training, relevant to the individual will be available, to help build on their existing knowledge and skills. It is intended to enable the ALNCo to fulfil their responsibility to deliver the strategic planning, co-ordination and delivery of additional learning provision.

This supports a key aim of the ALN system, which is to ensure that all learners with ALN are supported to overcome their individual barriers to learning and achieve their full potential.

Further details will be published shortly on the learning programme and the package of workforce training we have developed to support newly established ALNCos and existing SENCos who are transitioning to the new ALNCo role.

You can find out more about the ALN transformation programme and guidance on the current SEN system here including our frequently asked questions and ALN transformation programme guide.

Please send any queries to SENReforms@gov.wales 

19 November 2020

An interim report has been published today from the working group set up to strengthen education resources relating to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.

19 November 2020

12 November 2020

12 November 2020

This email is sent to you from Welsh Government and includes updates for all education and childcare settings including Work Based Learning. 

18 November 2020

Microsoft Bookings now available through Hwb – just the job for parent/carer conferences

4 November 2020

Update on the Additional Learning Needs system 

 The Minister for Education announced yesterday that the ‘Draft: Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (Wales) Regulations 2020’ (“the ALNCo regulations”) have been laid before the Senedd.  

 These regulations prescribe the qualifications and functions of the ALNCo role and are to be debated by the Senedd on the 24 November.  The ALNCo role is a fundamental part of the ALN system designed to ensure a greater consistency in the designation of ALNCos; and the co-ordination of additional learning provision.

 On 29th October the Minister made an Order to commence:

 The requirements to designate each of the statutory roles and the laying of the ALNCo regulations marks a significant milestone in the progress of these crucial ALN reforms, for the benefit of all children and young people in Wales with ALN.

 You can find out more about the ALN transformation programme and guidance on the current SEN system here including our frequently asked questions and ALN transformation programme guide.

 Please send any queries to SENReforms@gov.wales 

22 September 2020

Welsh Government: School Performance Reporting Arrangements (10 August 2020)


As set out in Written Statements dated 18 March 2020 and 3 July 2020, the Minister for Education has announced changes to the publication of qualification awards data and performance measures due to coronavirus.

In addition, The Relaxation of School Reporting Requirements (Wales) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 have been made to reduce burden on schools and local authorities for 2019/20.

Please see summary document attached below.

15 September 2020

Estyn webinar: Sharing effective practice to deliver A level Welsh First Language

If you’re involved in teaching A level Welsh First Language then register for this short webinar. It can help to improve planning, delivery and marketing of this important subject.

Listen to the author of Estyn’s recent report and hear good practice from leaders in schools and a further education college.

Book your place https://www.eventsforce.net/estyn/270/home

4 September 2020

REMINDER: Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill – consultation

Dear colleague

You will be aware that the Children, Young People and Education Committee is currently scrutinising the general principles of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the Committee has issued an open call for evidence on the Bill.

Given the volume of information we expect to receive, and the set timetable in which we are expected to report, we request that you submit all information via an online portal. Further information on how to contribute is available on the webpage.

Please forward this email to any organisation or individual you think would like to contribute to the consultation.

The consultation will close at 17:00 on Tuesday 29 September 2020. Please note that it will not be possible to consider responses received after this date.

A child-friendly consultation is also available. We would encourage all children and young people to have their say, please share this email and let the children and young people have their voices heard on how they want to be taught.

Please note the closing date for this version has been extended to 20 September 2020.

Kind regards,

The Children, Young People and Education Committee

3 September 2020

Implementation of the Additional Learning Needs system

The Minister for Education has today published a statement on the progress of the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) transformation programme.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, work to finalise the ALN Code and regulations has continued. These will be laid for approval before the Senedd in February 2021, ahead of the commencement of the ALN system over a three-year phased period from September 2021. Please see a timeline here.

The ALN statutory roles are to commence in January 2021, and guidance to support our delivery partners will be published. This guidance, based on text from the revised Code, will provide further clarity on the statutory roles by expanding on what already exists in the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018.

As part of our ongoing work to support children and young people, families, their representatives and education practitioners, including in the context of the current pandemic, we have published guidance on supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged learners, including those with ALN, as schools and settings return to full operations.

You can find out more about the ALN transformation programme and guidance on the current SEN system here including our recently updated frequently asked questions and ALN transformation programme guide.

In addition, we are launching a consultation on proposals to allow representatives to act on behalf of young people, and parents of children, who lack mental capacity, when exercising their rights under the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018. To ensure the consultation reaches the people the proposals will most affect, we will be working with Children in Wales to ensure young people who lack capacity are targeted and supported to engage with the consultation. This forms a crucial part of the work on the ALN code and regulations.

Please send any queries to SENReforms@gov.wales 

Guidance face coverings ADEW

link to the updates guidance:

Operational guidance for schools and settings from the autumn term - https://gov.wales/operational-guidance-schools-and-settings-autumn-term-covid-19

Guidance for safe operation in post-16 learning from September 2020 - https://gov.wales/guidance-safe-operation-post-16-learning-september-2020

Updated FAQs - https://gov.wales/back-school-plans-september-coronavirus

Summer term 2020 updates

14 July 2020

The Welsh Parliament’s Children, Young People and Education Committee is currently scrutinising the general principles of the Curriculum and Assessment ) (Wales) Bill.

A consultation has been launched to inform the Committee’s work. Given the volume of information we expect to receive, and the set timetable in which we are expected to report, we request that you submit all information via an online portal. Further information on how to contribute is available on the webpage.

Please forward this email to any organisation or individual you think would like to contribute to the consultation.

The consultation will close at 17:00 on Tuesday 29 September 2020. Please note that it will not be possible to consider responses received after this date.

A child-friendly consultation will be available in due course.

Please find below a link to the learning and operational guidance to support schools and settings in their preparations to welcome all learners back in the autumn term.



Covid 19 Education Stakeholder update 13th July 2020 (attached below).

7 July 2020

Dear Members,

The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill and Explanatory Memorandum have today been laid before Senedd Cymru.

Please refer to the attached bulletin for further information on the Bill and the legislative process.

We thank you for your support to date and look forward to continuing to engage with you as the Bill proceeds through the Senedd.

Written Statement: National School Categorisation System 2020/21

18 June 2020

Please find the update for FAQ’s published on the Welsh Government website 17th June.

Main page: https://gov.wales/education-coronavirus

Schools Increasing Operations from 29 June: https://gov.wales/schools-increasing-operations-29-june-coronavirus#section-43683

There has also been updated guidance and FAQ’s for Governing Bodies will be published today on the website

10 June 2020

Operational guidance for schools and settings: Keep Education Safe (COVID-19) - Guidance for schools and settings to safely increase their on-site operations for staff and learners - https://gov.wales/operational-guidance-schools-and-settings-keep-education-safe-covid-19

Guidance on learning over the summer term: Keep Education Safe (COVID-19) - This guidance provides advice on learning and teaching that schools and settings may wish to provide for the remainder of the summer term - https://gov.wales/guidance-learning-over-summer-term-keep-education-safe

3 June 2020

“Check in, Catch Up, Prepare for summer and September” – All schools in Wales to enter next phase - All children will have the opportunity to “Check in, Catch Up, Prepare for summer and September”, the Education Minister Kirsty Williams announced today as she published details of the next phase for schools in Wales - https://media.service.gov.wales/news/all-children-will-have-the-opportunity-to-check-in-catch-up-and-prepare-for-summer-and-september

19 May 2020

Policy update: Headteacher and school based reports - Please find attached further information on the Welsh Government’s intended approach to headteacher and school based reports this year. This is advanced advice, subject to the legislative changes being made, to aid planning by schools, governing bodies and local authorities.

18 May 2020

Updated guidance documents

Cameos and ideas from schools and PRUs on continuing with school business - Document attached.

28 April 2020

The Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, will today (Tuesday 28 April) set out her five key principles which will determine how education will be phased in at schools in Wales.

The Education Minister will set out five guiding principles which will determine when and how schools will return to providing education for most school pupils:

More here: https://gov.wales/education-minister-sets-out-five-key-principles-schools-return

20 April 2020

Education Minister Kirsty Williams has today (Monday 20 April 20) published a policy statement called ‘Stay Safe. Stay Learning’ which aims to support learners, leaders, governors, practitioners, parents and carers in dealing with the impact of coronavirus. The Minister launched the guidance on the day that marks the beginning of summer term making Wales the only UK nation to provide national guidance and tools in a coordinated way.

The Minister’s statement makes it clear that the Welsh Government’s priorities will continue to be:

‘Stay Safe Stay Learning’ Policy Statement: https://gov.wales/stay-safe-stay-learning

Video link - Kirsty Williams: https://twitter.com/i/status/1252163048200196096

Supporting Documents: