Health, Wellbeing and Equity

Health and Wellbeing partner events summer term 2024.pdf

EAS Partner school open events - Summer term 2024

Diversity and Anti-Racist Professional Learning (DARPL) Higher Level DARPL Extended Leadership Module

The DARPL Extended Leadership Module is designed for leaders in Education Improvement, Policy Development, Research, Primary and Secondary, Further Education, Childcare, Play work and Early Years Education.

DARPL Enhanced Leadership Series Outline (Cohort Two 2024-25)V2 (1).pdf
A process for clarifying RSE content - Nov 2022.pdf

A process for addressing questions and concerns about teaching and Learning in RSE

This is a suggested process that has been developed to help schools manage questions and concerns about their school’s RSE curriculum.

Health, Wellbeing and Equity Professional Learning 

Headteachers in Wales, Education Support is offering you two types of wellbeing support free of charge. 

Find out more and book your place:

Funded by Welsh Government.

As a Cross Consortia we were able to host a webinar facilitated by Dr Coral Harper - The Science of Secondary Trauma and the case for supervision and self-care.

The recorded webinar focuses on everyone looking after their own wellbeing, taking time to recover, rebuild and focus on our self-care needs.

Password: BloomResource1#

This will enable trained teachers to access:


If you have more teachers who you'd like to access Blooms Online Teacher Training, then please share our training schedule below:


Bloom: upcoming online teacher training courses - Mental Health UK (

Additional Resources and Information:

Engaging with Stakeholders autumn 2023 (002).pdf

This useful resource gives practical suggestions and case study examples of engaging with:

We know that having a stakeholder engagement strategy is crucial to supporting your school culture and vision; the whole school approach to emotional and mental wellbeing; to developing curriculum and effective teaching and learning; and it links to school approaches to mitigating the impact of poverty.

Read more