LLC: Useful Information, Guidance and Research Documentation

What is language?

The Curriculum for Wales requires teachers and learners to re-imagine their approach to languages, literacy and communication. In her lecture for the Hay Festival 2020, Mererid Hopwood asks what language is and, in answering the question, her words help us to better understand why the statements of what matters in this Area need to be addressed holistically. This resource is aimed at all teachers of Welsh, English and other languages.

Curriculum for Wales and this Learning and Experience Area have an important role in our ambition to achieve our national vision, aims and targets. 

Literacy skills enable learners to take advantage of the breadth of a school's curriculum and the wealth of opportunities it offers.

A mission Welsh speakers: a national vision for a bilingual Wales where young people leave the education system ready and proud  to use the language in every context, including the world of work.

Learning about languages ​​will support pupils to build on bilingual skills in order to develop multilingually as global citizens.

Estyn English language and literacy W(4).pdf
Estyn English language and literacy E(9).pdf
Estyn Welsh language acquisition W(4) (1).pdf
Estyn Welsh language acquisition E(10) (1).pdf

Strategaethau a dulliau i gefnogi dysgwyr 3-11 mlwydd oed


Strategies and approaches to support 3 to 11-year-old learners


Dulliau Addysgu Dwyieithog

Trosolwg o’r llenyddiaeth ryngwladol sy’n ymwneud â dulliau dysgu ac addysgu mewn cyd-destunau dosbarth ac addysg ddwyieithog, gan berthnasu’r arferion hynny i’r cyd-destun addysgol yma yng Nghymru.

Bilingual Teaching Methods.pdf

Bilingual Teaching Methods

An overview of the international literature relating to teaching and pedagogical methods in the context of bilingual education and bilingual classrooms, relating those practices to the education context here in Wales.


Ceisia'r llyfr hwn, gyflwyno ychydig o gefndir i’r cysyniad o drawsieithu fel ymgais i arfogi athrawon gyda gwell dealltwriaeth o’r maes cymhleth hwn er mwyn gallu ystyried pam, sut, a phryd i ddefnyddio dulliau trawsieithu yn effeithiol mewn ysgolion yng Nghymru. 

Translanguaging in the classroom_ a quick reference guide for educators.pdf

This book attempts to introduce some background to the concept of translanguaging whilst also equipping teachers with a better understanding of this complex field by considering, why, how and when to use translanguaging effectively in schools in Wales.