Whole School Leadership of Welsh

An overview of support available  for developing Welsh in English Medium Schools

Regional Support for Welsh in English Medium Schools.pdf

EAS Support

This document provides on overview of the support available for Welsh in English-meidum schools through Universal, Targeted and Bespoke  provision. 

Datblygu Gweledigaeth - Developing a Vision for Welsh

Leadership vision and ethos for Welsh

Cyflwyniad cyfrwng Saesneg. English-medium presentation.

Recordiad sesiwn o raglen beilot y GCA/CCD ar gyfer arweinwyr mewn ysgolion cyfrwng Saensneg.  Gall y sesiwn hon gefnogi ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg i ystyried eu gweledigaeth ar gyfer y Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru yng nghyd-destun y cwricwlwm. 

Recording of a session from an EAS/CSC pilot professional learning programme for leaders in English medium schools. The recorded session could support development of a school vision for the Welsh language and culture in the context of Curriculum for Wales. 

Cwricwlwm i Gymru -  Datblygu gweledigaeth ar gyfer dylunio cwricwlwm (Hwb)

Curriculum for Wales - Developing a vision for curriculum design  (Hwb)

Cynllunio'r Gymraeg a Dysgu Proffesiynol - Planning Welsh and Professional Learning

Mae ‘Cymraeg 2050: Miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg' yn nodi ein huchelgais o greu miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050. 

‘Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers’ sets out our ambition of creating a million Welsh speakers by 2050. 


Canllaw fideo / Guidance video 

Canllaw fideo ar gyfer cynllunio'n strategol ar gyfer Dysgu Proffesiynol (GCA, Llelo a Chenedlaethol)  gan ytsyried Cyfrifiad Blynyddol y Gweithlu. 

Video guidance to support strategic planning for Welsh Professional Learning (EAS, Local and National) reflecting on the importance of the Schools Workforce Annual Census (SWAC)

WEG 23-24 (C).pdf

Defydd effeithiol o Grant y Gymareg mewn addysg: Mae'r Gymraeg yn perthyn i bawb

Arweiniad ar Delerau ac Amodau 23-24

WEG 23-24.pdf

Effective us of the Welsh in Education Grant: Cymraeg belongs to us all

Guidance on 23-24 Terms and Conditions

Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Iaith ar gyfer ymarferwyr addysg -  National Language Competency Framework for education practitioners 

Do you have an overview of staff skills and their professional learning needs?


Fframwaith Cymwyseddau

Mae'r fframwaith yn rhan o'r Pasbort Dysgu Proffesiynol, ac mae'n rhoi cyfle i ymarferwyr gofnodi eu cynnydd o ran datblygu eu sgiliau Cymraeg, o'r cyfnod Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon drwy gydol eu gyrfa. 


Competency Framework

The framework sits within the Professional Learning Passport and enables practitioners to note their progress in developing their Welsh language skills form ITE throughout their careers. 

Gwerthuso'r Gymraeg - Evaluating Welsh

Supporting Welsh in EM Schools.pdf

Canllawiau'r GCA: EAS Guidance 

SLO Welsh EAS FINAL (new branding).pdf

EAS SLO (Welsh) Guidance

Arweiniad Estyn Guidance