Schools as learning organisations

"Wales has an ambition that all schools develop as learning organisations, in keeping with OECD principles. Schools that are learning organisations have the capacity to adapt more quickly and explore new approaches, with a means to improving learning and outcomes for all their learners". 

National Mission  2017

The Welsh school as a learning organisation focuses on realising seven ‘dimensions’ and is underpinned by four transversal themes: trust , time, technology and thinking together.

 A set of themes flow through all seven dimensions. The four Ts: trust, time, technology and thinking together. Although some of these themes may seem more pertinent to one action than to another, all four have an impact on the whole. For example, trust underpins the kind of relationships needed internally and externally for learning organisations to thrive; and all aspects of school development require the provision of time. All four transversal themes have been particularly relevant during the recent challenges of the pandemic, whereby school leaders have had to ensure they have been able to respond to the many challenges faced in continuing to provide high quality teaching and learning experiences.

The 2018 OECD report , Developing Schools as Learning Organisations in Wales states:

Wales is committed to providing high-quality and inclusive education for all its citizens. It therefore in 2011 embarked on a large-scale school improvement reform that has become increasingly comprehensive and focused on the ongoing development and implementation of a new, 21st century school curriculum.

Wales considers the development of schools as learning organisations (SLOs) a key means for realising the new curriculum. An effective  learning organisation has the capacity to change and adapt routinely to new environments and circumstances as its members, individually and together, learn their way to realising their vision. Collective working and learning and expanding the skills and learning of new ones by many teachers, teaching support staff, school leaders and others involved is believed essential for bringing Wales’ new curriculum to life.

School leaders, teachers and support staff, governors and parents all have a role in realising the seven dimensions of an effective learning organisation and this can help create the culture and ethos required to design and innovate a curriculum suitable to meet the needs of their whole school community.

How can my staff access the SLO survey ?

The SLO survey is now available in its new location within Hwb via the link below.  

Want your staff to complete the survey ? Click or share the link below with your team.

Need more information about schools as learning organisations in Wales ?

The link below will take you to the main SLO page in Hwb and the survey questions can be accessed via the hyperlink 2020 to 2021 SLO survey in bold in the SLO survey section.  Instructions and tips about how to access and  download results are also available.

Top tips for accessing the SLO survey

Regional consortia resources to supports schools developing as effective learning organisations 

Developing as an effective learning organisation - 

Workshop 1

Developing as an effective learning organisation - 

Workshop 2

Further reading and research about Schools as Learning Organisations 

Schools as Learning Organisations Case Studies

SLO Case Study Blackwood Primary pdf
SLO @BLKP with voiceover.pdf

Blackwood Primary School

SLO Case Study Jubilee Park Primary School.pdf

Jubilee Park Primary School

EAS Lead :