
National Leadership Pathway Programmes

What is on offer for leaders? 

A comprehensive programme of leadership development is on offer to all leaders across Wales and is in line with WG’s Leadership Development Pathway as shown above with the exception currently of System Leader. 

The Current National offer for leaders includes:

National Middle Leader Development Programme

National Senior Leader Development Programme

Aspiring Senior Leaders' Programme 

Newly Appointed and Acting Headteacher Programme* 

Experienced Headteacher Programme

All programmes have acquired official endorsement from the National Academy of Educational Leadership. 

National Middle Leader Development Programme

This one year development programme is a professional learning opportunity for middle leaders across Wales who have areas of responsibility and/or line management of staff.

The programme promotes highly effective leadership through self-evaluation and reflection, exploring the relationships between leadership, successful schools and the wider community.

As part of the professional learning continuum participants will through this programme: 

The programme consists of 5 Modules over the year.  These are delivered using a blend of virtual and face-to-face sessions.

Lead Contact: Rachel.Cowell@sewaleseas.org.uk for individual participant queries or Deb.Woodward@sewaleseas.org.uk for whole school middle leadership queries.

National Post 16 Leadership Development Programme

The post-16 leadership development programme is aimed at aspiring, new and existing post-16 leaders and has been designed to offer colleagues the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills as they prepare for and face the challenges of post-16 leadership. 

The topics covered in the programme include:

▪ Understanding the strategic and operational roles of post-16 leadership

▪ Effective self-evaluation and planning for improvement

▪ Planning intervention and well-being for learners

▪ Building external partnerships for effective practice and provision

▪ Providing high quality and inclusive advice and guidance to support learner transition, aspiration and destinations.

Delivery of the programme is through a blended learning approach and delivered by post-16 specialist regional colleagues and current experienced post-16 leaders.

Lead EAS Contact: Sian.Farquharson@sewaleseas.org.uk for individual participant queries

National Senior Leader Development Programme 

This one year development programme is a professional learning opportunity for senior leaders across Wales.  

This programme is for leaders who have overall responsibility for an aspect of whole school leadership across an establishment and are a member of SLT within their school. 

The programme promotes highly effective leadership through self-evaluation and reflection, exploring the relationships between leadership, successful schools and the wider community.

As part of the professional learning continuum participants will through this programme: 

Applications for this programme are open. The next cohort will commence in December 2023.

In order to apply to take part in the programme the individual should:

You can download a copy of the LSSR below:


Leadership Accreditation opportunity at Level 7

Leadership Accreditation ILM Level 7 Overview English.pptx
Leadership Accreditation ILM Level 7 Overview Welsh.pptx

Lead contact: Rachel.Cowell@sewaleseas.org.uk

National Aspiring Head Teacher Development Programme
(Preparing for NPQH)

On 16th May 2023, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language issued a Written Statement:  announcing the publication of Professor Mick Waters’ report of his review of the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers (NPQH).

The review concluded that significant revision of both the content and structure of the Aspiring Headteacher Development Programme (ADHP) and NPQH assessment is needed. The Welsh Government has, therefore, decided that the candidates on the Aspiring Heads Programme that started in January 2023 will be the last to go through the programme in its current format.

Welsh Government will now be working in collaboration with key stakeholders to develop the new NPQH arrangements and aim to have a new programme open to candidates from Autumn 2024. In the interim, an NPQH assessment will be offered in February 2024 and a further one in May 2024 for current participants, and for candidates who have ‘not yet met’ or deferred over the past 4 years.

For any further queries regarding current or future Aspiring Headteacher Development programmes please contact: Deb.Woodward@sewaleseas.org.uk or Rachel.Cowell@sewaleseas.org.uk 

New and Acting Head Teacher Development Programme

The Newly Appointed and Acting Headteacher Programme is available to all newly appointed and acting Headteachers in Wales. Please note: Acting Headteachers are eligible if they are expected to be in post for at least two terms.

The programme takes place over a two-year period and requires a commitment of the equivalent of eight days during this time. Formal accreditation is available, and participants can opt for this.

The programme is structured in three phases:

Registration is through a national application process which requires the endorsement of the individual’s Chair of Governors.

National Experienced Head Teacher Development Programme

An exciting opportunity for experienced headteachers (of around 5 years+ in post) to participate in this professional learning. A 360 review will be carried out before the programme commences, with a debrief scheduled for April. As part of the programme, there are two, two-day residentials to attend in the summer term (May and June). 

Participants will:

Applications for this programme closed on 3rd March 2023. Further application rounds will be notified here.

For any further queries regarding current or future Experienced Headteacher programmes please contact: Deb.Woodward@sewaleseas.org.uk or Rachel.Cowell@sewaleseas.org.uk

Regional Networks

Deputy Head Teacher and Assistant Head Teacher Network

Are you a Deputy Head or Assistant Headteacher in your school? Come along to our regional DHT and AHT Network. 

We have a regional Microsoft Teams networking space for deputy and assistant headteachers. Not joined yet? Use the link below to join the team and to keep updated on all information and networking opportunities available to your role.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact Deb.Woodward@sewales.org.uk or Rachel.Cowell@sewaleseas.org.uk

Regional Leadership Programmes

Talent Management Framework

The Bastow Talent Management Framework (TMF) is a dynamic approach to identify, develop and support individuals with high potential for leadership. The video below explains more about the approach below. 

Bastow Intro.mp4

Research indicates that student outcomes cannot be improved without highly capable leaders: there's a direct link between school leadership and standards of student attainment. There is not a single case of a school improving its student achievement record in the absence of talented leadership.

The Talent Management Framework (TMF) is powerful and effective. It was co-designed with teachers, principals and regional managers to support:

Are you interested in developing a strategic and systematic approach to developing leadership talent within your organisation? Register your interest here:   

For further information or queries please contact: Deb.Woodward@sewaleseas.org.uk

Inspirational Leaders Network

All updates for this group will now be made in the Inspirational Leaders (Cohort 1 & 2) Microsoft Team.

For further information queries please contact please contact Deb.Woodward@sewaleseas.org.uk 

Agile Leadership 

The Agile School Leadership program is a three session, online course about leadership development for educators. Through live webinars, online modules, downloadable templates, readings and videos, participants build their improvement capability so that they can create sustainable impact in their schools and own unique context. More information about the programme is available below. 

WALES ASL Program Brochure spring 2023.pdf

Are you interested in taking part in the next round? Register your interest here:  

For further information or queries please contact: Deb.Woodward@sewaleseas.org.uk

Aspiring Senior Leader Programme

Poster Nov 23.pdf

For further information or queries please contact: Rachel.Cowell@sewaleseas.org.uk

Knowing your school well sessions - EAS and Local Authorities

In these LA grouped sessions, headteachers will learn from fellow school leaders the day-to-day and strategic activities they undertake to ensure they know their school and have clear processes to ensure effective self-evaluation and development planning. Sessions are phase specific. Click on the link for your LA’s dates, times and meeting links. 

You can watch the session(s) for your Local Authority (after it has taken place) in the EAS Headteacher Network

Know Your School Well Sessions - Spring 2023 

Blaenau Gwent 

16th February 2023

Primary / Secondary Joint Session

11:00 am -12:30 pm 

Knowing Your School Well 

(All schools)

Link for Attendees:













16th February 2023


1:00pm – 2:20 pm

Knowing Your School Well – Secondary Focus

Link for Attendees:



16th February 2023


2:30 am – 4:00 pm

Knowing Your School Well – Primary Focus

Link for Attendees:
