Workforce Language Development

Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Iaith ar gyfer ymarferwyr addysg -  National Language Competency Framework for education practitioners 


Fframwaith Cymwyseddau

Mae'r fframwaith yn rhan o'r Pasbort Dysgu Proffesiynol, ac mae'n rhoi cyfle i ymarferwyr gofnodi eu cynnydd o ran datblygu eu sgiliau Cymraeg, o'r cyfnod Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon drwy gydol eu gyrfa. 


Competency Framework

The framework sits within the Professional Learning Passport and enables practitioners to note their progress in developing their Welsh language skills form ITE throughout their careers. 

Y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg - National centre for learning Welsh

Porth Gweithlu Addysg

Mae’r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol wedi lansio porth ar-lein newydd i arddangos yr holl opsiynau er mwyn cynorthwyo ymarferwyr i ddod o hyd i gwrs addas. 

Education Workforce Portal

The National Centre for Learning Welsh has launched a new online portal to showcase all that is available in order to help practitioners find a suitable Welsh language  course. 

Cymraeg Gwaith - Cyrsiau blasu ar-lein

Mae'r ddarpariaeth yma o fewn y Porth.

Work Welsh - Online taster courses

This provision sits within the Portal.

Os ydych chi eisoes yn rhugl yn y Gymraeg, dyma gyfle i chi ennill hyder wrth ddefnyddio eich sgiliau Cymraeg - yn enwedig wrth ysgrifennu. Mae’r cwrs ar gael i bawb, ac yn rhad ac am ddim.

Mae'n cynnwys Rhan 1 (5 uned, tua 5 awr) a Rhan 2 (5 uned, tua 5 awr).

10 hours free online taster courses specifically tailored for the education profession. The courses introduce everyday words and phrases for use in everyday situations in schools.  

Y Cynllun Sabothol - The Sabbatical Scheme

Meet Jonny, a key stage 2 teacher, born in England but a Welshman at heart. Here he talks passionately about his experience of the Welsh in a Year Sabbatical scheme and how it exceeded his expectations. 

Listen to Angharad, a year 6 teacher talking about how the Sabbatical scheme has been one of the best opportunities of her career!

In this video, Simon, a year 4 teacher talks about using his skills to support other practitioners. As well as developing Welsh in his own school he has provided language training for Teaching Assistants within his cluster, with some high praise indeed!

Listen to a headteacher's perspective on the impact of the Sabbatical Scheme on his school and staff. 

Englsih and Welsh medium school partnerships (post sabbatical)

Mae'r GCA yn falch o weithio gyda Llywodreath Cymru a phartneriaid i hyrwyddo'r Cynllun Sabothol. Rydyn ni'n cefnogi ymarferwyr trwy gydol eu lleoliad Sabothol a'r rhai sydd wedi cwblhau'r cynllun ar ôl dychwelyd i'r ysgol.

Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf rydyn ni wedi gweithio gydag ysgolion a chlystyrau i adeiladu tîm craidd o arweinwyr Sabothol sy'n gweithio,  nid yn unig yn eu hysgolion eu hunain, ond o fewn eu clwstwr ac ar draws y rhanbarth i ddatblygu sgiliau addysgu'r Gymraeg a sgiliau iaith ymarferwyr. 

Cysylltwch â Siân Tinnuche, cydlynydd Sabothol y GCA, i gael mwy o wybodaeth am y cynllun a chyfleoedd cyfredol i gymryd rhan.

07904 644923

The EAS is pleased to work with the Welsh Government and partners to promote the Sabbatical Scheme. We support practitioners throughout their Sabbatical placement and those who have completed the scheme upon their return to school.

In recent years we have worked with schools and clusters to build a core team of Sabbatical leaders that work, not only within their own schools, but within their cluster and across the region to develop Welsh language teaching and staff language skills.

Please contact  Siân Tinnuche, the EAS Sabbatical coordinator, for further information about the scheme and current opportunities to participate.

07904 644923