Part 1: Research U.S. Pop Culture

For this part of the project, you're providing us with a slice of life during your assigned decade. Your time capsule will offer us valuable information about culture in the United States from the 1970s-2010. What kind of music were people listening to? What media were they watching and reading? What kind of style did they have? What issues were important to them, and how were they standing up for their beliefs?

1970s to the Present-Time Capsule

Below, we've included some reliable places you can look for pop culture artifacts. Try one of the databases or websites linked below before Googling!

Bowling, Beatniks, and Bell-Bottoms is an eBook dedicated to the 1900's. Although this is technically an online book, it works just like a database. HINT: go to Table of Contents at the top and then click "Full Table of Contents." Then pick your decade and topic.

In Pop Culture Universe, browse the time periods . Once in a time period, explore the left hand side bar to look for topics.