Around the Horn

Open this document and make a copy. Fill in the question you are answering, the side you are taking, and the main idea of your argument!

Primary Source Documents for the Antebellum Period!

Round 1a. Do you agree that high tariffs are the best thing for the U.S. economy?

Round 1b. Do you feel the Mexican-American War in 1846 was started for legitimate reasons and was it beneficial for the United States?

Round 1c. Does the Free-Soil Party provide the best chance of keeping our nation unified?

Round 2a. Will the provisions in the Compromise of 1850 continue to Unite the country forever?

Round 2b. Do you agree that Uncle Tom's Cabin should be required reading for all Americans?

Round 2c. Do you think the Kansas-Nebraska Act was fair and who do YOU blame for "Bleeding Kansas"?

Round 3a. Roger Taney's decision in the Dred Scott supreme court case was a fair and just decision.

Round 3b. Was John Brown an "Angel of Light" or a crazy lunatic?

Round 3c. Can the Whig Party keep this nation together?

Northern View

Southern View