Primary Sources

Best Place to search = Google! 

Below are some examples of types of primary sources. Combine the type of source with keywords related to your topic.

Suggested Search Terms For Primary Sources




UN Document


Tweets/social media 

Combine with keywords related to your topic. 

Specifically, think about the people involved! 

Yemen civilian interview

Rashad Al-Alimi speech

Ali Abdullah Saleh speech

Yemen + UN Document

Houthis documentary

UNHCR Yemen Tweets

Use Advanced Search for results from the place(s) your conflict is happening

Chances are, all of your sources so far are from the U.S. It's important to get the perspective of the people living in the country you're researching!

Go to:

Settings > Advanced Search> Narrow results by:

 Language & Region

Videos make great primary sources! Just make sure the subject(s) of the video are directly involved with your conflict. 


Classroom Video on Demand

CLICK HERE to log in from home. Tip: Ctrl + F "Classroom" 

Gale Global Issues in Context 

CLICK HERE to log in from home. 

CHECK OUT THIS TUTORIAL for tips and tricks on using Classroom Video and YouTube!


Last Name, First Name of creator/interviewee. "Title of video." YouTube, uploaded by______. Day Month Year.  URL. 


Saleh, Ali Abdullah. "Yemen: Ali Abdullah Saleh's Last Speech." YouTube, uploaded by CNN. 30 October 2010.

If it's unclear who the creator/interviewee is: 

"Title of Video." YouTube, uploaded by ________. Day Month Year. URL. 


"Explainer: The War in Yemen Explained in 3 Minutes." YouTube, uploaded by Al Jazeera English. 3 July 2017.

Need help citing a primary source found outside the databases?  Use Purdue OWL's MLA Formatting Guide!

NOODLE TOOLS! for auto-citing your sources!