The Pitch

Today's goal is to continue exploring potential topics of wellness.

Use this document as a model to guide you through the process.

Step 1: Check out your class bank of resources and find TWO artifacts of interest that are DIFFERENT from your own - a different topic and/or a different wellness category.

Block 1 Wellness Bank
Block 2 Wellness Bank

Step 2: After reading the article, watching the video, or listening to the podcast, use this document to identify the wellness category it relates to, something new you've learned, and a possible wellness initiative that it could inspire.

Step 3: After doing this for two topics and reflecting on your original area of interest, it's time to make a decision.

Step 4: The Pitch - it's time to sell your idea!

MLA Citation Format:

Author/ Organization. "Article Title." Website Title. Date published/ updated. URL. Date accessed.

Step 5: Putting it all together!