US History II: 1950's Project

US II Source Sheet

←Record your research for each source you select in this SOURCE SHEET!

The best place to start your research is the databases: their sources are all credible, contextualized, and cited for your convenience--check out the options below!

US History Databases and Off-Campus Access Information:

If you are unsure of what interests you, one of the best places to start is ABC-CLIO:

After opening ABC-CLIO, scroll through the time periods and select one you may be interested in. Click on one of the time periods, then browse the Topic Centers within that period. Once you are in a topic, you will a few options on the left hand side. Start with the OVERVIEW, then visit the TOPIC LIBRARY for further articles.

If you KNOW what interests you, check out Facts on File:

After opening Facts on File (FOF), use the search bar to type in the topic or idea that is of interest to you. If you do not see the results you are looking for, try an alternative term or synonym for your topic.

If you have a topic and need additional detail, you might go to Pop Culture Universe

After opening ABC-CLIO, browse the time periods . Once in a time period, explore the left hand side bar to see if your topic is featured.

Bowling, Beatniks, and Bell-Bottoms is an eBook dedicated to the 1900's. Although this is technically an online book, it works just like a database. So simply type in your topic and check out the results.

CLICK HERE to access all US History Databases