Project Overview

Part 1: Research

For your final project, you will be conducting research on a topic of interest in astronomy. You can pick one from the list below, but aren't limited to these! You may NOT choose a topic you've already done in a previous project.

Use the Science Databases to find your information. Take notes and keep track of your sources on the SOURCES SHEET. Need help with the source sheet? Take a look at the DEMO

Topics to Consider

  • Life on other planets

  • Exoplanets

  • Dark matter

  • Fermi Paradox/Drake equation/Great filter

  • Gravitational Waves/lensing

  • Colonizing other celestial objects

  • PHOs (Potentially hazardous objects)

Part 2: Present your Findings

Once you've finished finding your information, create one of the following. Click on the option to view a description and rubric.

Need Help Creating Your Project? Check out these links: