Biomedical Academy- Year 1

Activity #3: Fact Vs. Fiction

Covid-19: Fact vs. Fiction

Work with a partner to distinguish Covid-19 facts versus fiction. In the Evidence column, link to a website or article that confirms your answer. USE THE COPY IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM!

Activity #4: Sort the sources

Whenever we're doing research, it's important that we evaluate our sources for credibility. There are three levels of sources:

  1. Personal: may contain the author's opinions or facts that haven't been verified

  2. Reviewed: sources that have been fact checked but are not necessarily written by experts.

  3. Peer-Reviewed: written by scholars/experts in their field and then reviewed by other scholars/experts before being published.

Let's play a game! Sort the sources into the appropriate category on your game board.

If you were absent, complete the activity using THIS JAMBOARD!