Project Overview
Welcome to the Global Conflict Resource Page!
Refer to the outline below or this condensed version to help guide your research. Keep in mind that not all of the questions listed will pertain to your topic. These are just suggestions to help guide your searches and organize your sources!
Introduction to Your Conflict or Issue
This section provides background information for your issue/ conflict. It will eventually serve as your introduction paragraph. Use the following questions to guide your research. Depending on your topic, NOT ALL WILL APPLY! Use your own knowledge and understanding of the conflict to set the scene and introduce the reader to WHAT CAUSED your issue. You are not yet describing the issue itself!
IMPORTANT TIP: Identify the date range of the events that led to the issue and stay within those parameters.
Where is the region or country located?
What are the religions of the people involved?
What are the political beliefs of the people involved?
Who are the main groups or parties?
What events LED UP TO the issue?
Still not sure how to set the stage of your conflict? Think P.E.R.S.I.A.N.
Issue/ Conflict Description
This section will serve as the foundation of your paper. Here, you will describe the issue itself. Use the following questions to guide your research. Depending on your topic, NOT ALL WILL APPLY! Use your own knowledge and understanding of the conflict to determine what details should be included.
IMPORTANT TIP: Identify the date range of the issue. If it has been resolved, be sure to stay within those date parameters. If it is ongoing, select only the most important information leading up to where the issue stands today. Here are some suggested articles to help you get started on this part.
When did the issue begin and how long has it lasted?
What were some of the key events in the conflict?
What tactics did the different sides use in an attempt to win?
What were the people fighting over? Land? Religion? Government? Economics?
Effects on the People
In this section, you will want to round out your research with the personal stories of the people whose lives have been impacted as a result of your issue. You many want to appeal to the emotions of the reader as you take your topic and bring it to life by exploring the human aspect.
IMPORTANT TIP: As with all other sections, you will not be able to focus on each and every way that the people of a particular region have been affected. Focus on what makes sense for your topic!
How have the people of the region or country been impacted?
Has this conflict had a global impact on the population? How?
What are the political effects on the people?
What are the economic effects on the people?
How are the people's daily lives being affected?
Attempts at Peace
In this section, you will reflect on what people within the country have done to solve the problem as well as what the global community's reaction has been. You are only focusing on ATTEMPTS at peace in this portion, you do not need to consider a successful solution yet.
IMPORTANT TIP: You may want to consider what the UN has done OR you might want to look at the country's/ region's government. Using the United Nations as a search term often yields great results! Also, try searching the name of the President or Leader + your topic. Finally, the US is often involved in conflicts abroad- what has our country done to help and/or how has the US reacted?
What laws have been implemented (or considered for implementation)?
What does the president or leader of the the involved region(s) say?
How have Non-Government Organizations attempted to lend assistance?
What have the leaders of other countries suggested? Have they offered aid in any way?
What missions or resolutions has the United Nations sponsored to help resolve the issue?
In this section, you will reflect on all of the attempts listed above and explain what you believe to be the solution. Think of this as your conclusion. You are now an expert on the topic and should be able to analyze all of the different perspectives regarding a resolution.
IF YOUR CONFLICT HAS BEEN SOLVED: Explain what actions/ laws/ programs led to the solution.
IF YOUR CONFLICT IS ONGOING: Explain what actions/ laws/ programs must be instituted in order for a solution to occur.
What conditions must be met in order to create a lasting solution?
What should the UN be doing to assist in the peace process?
How can organizations assist the region or fix the issue?
Schools and Education System (ex. Tolerance Education)?
Hospitals and Health Care?
Job Training and Human Capital?