Coding and Robotics Sites

3D Slash- create designs to 3D print

Cargo-Bot: coding game learn computer science

Code Academy- learn to code for free

Code for Life- learn to code through games

GitHub- open source code

Kodu Game Lab: build and play games

Machine Learning for Kids- AI projects

Robohub: news and resources from the robotics community

Science Daily- daily robotics news

Scratch- learn basic coding

Thunkable: build your own apps

Tinkercad- free online CAD software

X-Ray Goggles: see the code behind your favorite sites

Engineering Websites

Curiosity Machine- build, share, receive professional feedback

DiscoverE: engineering career information

EFunda: engineering formulas projects, resources, news

Engineering Toolbox- tons of tools

How Stuff Works- Engineering: tons of topics to explore!

IEEE Try Engineering: career info

Society of Women Engineers: mentoring and career advice

Architecture + Design Sites

American Institute of Archtecture Students- info for students

Architectural Record- news and resources

Biomimicry Institute: environmental design challenges

Makers Empire- design for real-world problems

Planner 5D: home design app

SketchUp: design and create buildings