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Recommended Titles
30 Lessons for Living (POP 305.26 PIL)
The Alter Ego Effect (POP 650.1 HER)
Braving the Wilderness (POP 158.2 BRO)
Chew On This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food (POP 384.1 SCH)
The Difference a Day Makes: 365 Ways to Change your World (POP 303.4 JON)
Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8 (MEM 616.85 HIG)
Farewell, My Subaru (MEM 333.72 FIN)
The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places In The World (POP 910.4 WEI)
Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan For Embracing and Achieving Your Goals (POP 158.1 HOL)
Girl in a Funk: Quick Stress Busters (POP 155.9402 NAP)
Girl Mogul: Dream It. Do It. Change the World. (POP 646.7 PHA)
The Happiness Project (POP 158 RUB)
How I Resist: Activism and Hope for a New Generation (POP 320 HOW)
How Starbucks Saved My Life (MEM 647.95 GIL)
Mindfulness and Meditation: Handling Life...(POP 155.5 STE)
More Than Enough (MEM 070.92 WEL)
No One Is Too Small To Make a Difference (363.7 THU)
The Secret to Teen Power (POP 158 HAR)
Sleeping Naked Is Green (MEM 333.72 FAR)
Stress Relief: The Ultimate Teen Guide (155.5 POW)
Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way (POP 158 BUE)
True Green: 100 Ways You Can Contribute to a Healthier Planet (333.72 MCK)
Tuesdays With Morrie (MEM 378.1 ALB)
The Universe Has Your Back (POP 204 BER)
You Are Here: Exposing the Vital Link Between What We Do and What That Does to the Planet (363.7 KOS)