Day 3:  Evaluating Sources in Googl

Test yourself!

What do you already know about evaluating what you read online? Let's find out in this KAHOOT.

            This is...CRAP!💩         

Currency ⌚

When was it published? 

Relevance 🔗

Is it important to your research? Does it offer new information?

Authority ✍🏻

How do you know the author is an expert on your topic?

Purpose 🤷‍♀️

Why is the author writing this? To inform? To convince? To sell something? 

SAMPLE Source 3 & Paragraph 3

We're using SOURCE SHEET 3! The first and last part are the same but you will also use a checklist to evaluate your source.


Today you will find a source using Google and figure out if it passes the "CRAP test"!