Empathize and Define


Step 1:

After becoming an expert on your topic, it is time to finalize your problem based question:


DEMO of Phase 1: Empathy Organizer


Phase 1: Empathy Organizer

Step 2:

Figure out who your stakeholders/ users/ potential clients could be by making a web.

Here is an example web for the sample problem based question, "How can we provide reinforcement to students with learning disabilities without the burden of homework?"

Step 3:

Visualize your client. What is their name? Age? What do they look like? Sound like? Struggle with? The more detailed the better!

Student Examples:

Step 4:

Dig Deeper! Empathize with your client! How does their self talk differ from their outward actions? What are their challenges? Obstacles? Feelings? TRY IT!

This is what Gabriella's might look like: