Biomed Academy Year 2: Empathize

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11: Empathize


💡 In what ways might exploring different perspectives help us come to our own conclusions?

💡 Why is it important to look at each source in terms of its connection to your question? To your other sources?

Van Zadt, "How Design Thinking Promotes Innovation." Business Innovation Brief. 2022. [link]

Who is impacted by the problem you identified? How might they be impacted? Let's brainstorm in order to create your client!

Lucid Press: Mind Map Templates

Now that you've learned a bit about the importance of empathy, let's try reflecting on who might be impacted by the problem we have been researching. Select one of the templates linked above to do some divergent thinking.

Quantity> Quality

Empathize: Part 1

Who is your client?

Check out Ms. Ford's example, Gabriella. Try to create your own client. Think about all of the details that shape a person's life. What is your client's personal story?

Quality> Quantity



Use this rubric to reflect and assess your work. Why did you give yourself the grade you did?