
Updated on 9/30/21

Please make sure that you are listing any district assessment that a grade participates in on the ILAP.  

For example, first grade participates in MAP, please list MAP as a district assessment, mark yes for participation, and then list the allowable accommodation if the student needs it or write "None" if the student has no accommodations for the assessment.

Updated 9/7/21

Full Enrich Presentation

Click Here

Quick Links to Screencast for Enrich-click on the links for a short video clip 

Finding Enrich

Description of Enrich Tabs

Completing the Initiate Action

Updated 8/20/21

Enrich-Reminder:  You must ask your clerk to add you as instructional support to your students in PowerSchool.  Unfortunately Tanya and I cannot complete this action.  Please ask your clerk to use the support codes below.

Full Enrich Presentation

Click Here

Quick Links to Screencast for Enrich-click on the links for a short video clip 

Finding Enrich

Description of Enrich Tabs

Completing the Initiate Action

More Enrich Reminders:

Initiating Students

Parent Notification Letters



Individualized Language Acquisition Plans (ILAPs)

As you begin to collaborate with Content Teachers regarding accommodations for your MLs, please reach out if you have questions.

Very important please ignore the warnings on the Profile page for students.  We have until September 15th to complete our documentation.  It is ok if the ILAP Plan dates overlap for students that came in later last year.  We are creating a new ILAP by clicking "Add Plan" if it does not automatically populate.  Remember choose the ILAP with version listed (don't choose v1). 

- For District Testing please add the name of the test, participation (yes) and then add the allowable    accommodations for the specific assessment that the student needs.

  -For State Testing select the name of the test and use the dropdown to select  the allowable accommodations for the specific  assessment that the student needs.

-For District Testing , please list the test and the participation (yes) then write none if the student has no accommodations.

  -For State Testing, please select the test and the chart will populate blank for students that have no accommodations.


**You will need to reference the GCS Testing Calendar for District and State Testing applicable to each grade level.

**Please reference the MAP-Allowable Accommodations for MLs as you complete the District Accommodations section(remember District Accommodations must be hand entered)

Important ****

Under the State Testing Heading, you do not need to add ELP Test.  This refers to ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.  If accommodations are needed, they will be documented on the IEP or 504 plan for the student not the ILAP.


The signature of both the ESOL Teacher and the Content Teachers are required.  Enrich has made this easier this year with the Electronic Signature feature.  Once you sign and click Save, the Content Teachers can log in, go in through the draft, sign and click save.  After all signatures have been obtained, click Finalize.


When you click finalize on the  ILAP you will be asked to enter an Outcome and Date the Previous Plan ended.  You can place use the start date of your new ILAP as the end date for the old one.

Updated 5/10/21

Reports in Enrich

ESOL Actions Status Report -Gives you a list of students with Initiate, PNL, and Monitoring Forms

ESOL Plans Report-Gives you a list of students with ILAPs


Assessment Accommodations-All Programs-Gives you the District and State Testing Accommodations selected on ILAPs

Updated 4/26/21

Don't forget to complete your Monitoring Forms.  Here is the link to our November Meeting regarding how to complete Monitoring Forms in Enrich.


Updated 1/25/21

ILAP Google Form for Signatures:

Please copy and paste the following into a google form for your school to obtain electronic signatures (while the collaboration portal is down). 

 Remember team members will view the ILAP in Enrich first before electronically signing via the google form.

Copy and Paste the following into the Google Form Description:

These accommodations/modifications are suggestions based on current student level of English proficiency. Since language learning is a dynamic process, accommodations will change in relation to language development. Although some form of modification is required, teacher and student are not limited to the indicated accommodations/modifications.

The list can be expanded or condensed based on student need and/or classroom and ESOL teacher observations.

Signatures indicate that accommodations have been discussed and acknowledged by ESOL and classroom teachers.

ESOL TEAM MEMBERS: All teachers listed below have completed a copy of this plan during an ESOL conference/workshop or via e-mail. You may view the ILAP via Enrich.

If you are in agreement with the accommodations/modifications in the ILAP, this google form is to obtain your electronic signature for the 2020-2021 School Year.  You may view the ILAP in Enrich at any time.

Please add the following to your form with a short answer response: 

Student Name

Teacher Signature


*Teachers will submit a form as many times as needed.

Updated 11/20/20

The Collaboration Portal still down.  We will not know the status until the SCDE let's us know.  You do not have to print ILAPs for signature.  Please share with teachers how to access the ILAP in Enrich.

Updated 11/12/20

Enrich Collaboration Portal

Enrich Collaboration Portal is down.  You will see the following message on your home screen.  This was a directive of the SC Office of Special Education Services because of a privacy issue.  The company (Enrich/Frontline) will not be able to open up the portal until it is resolved.  Until then, as long as you completed the ILAPs in Enrich (finalized) content teachers can view them.  As for newly enrolled students, Parent Notifications and screener scores can be sent home in paper form via the student.  

How do I know if my ILAPs are complete?

You can check on completion by going to the Collaboration Portal and sorting the Complete/Incomplete column.  Please reference the directions below on resending ILAPs for signature.

Enrich Documents 

If you have students attending at other locations such as group homes, alternative school, or West Greenville, please make sure to share ILAPs with the teachers of the English learners at  these locations.

Updated 10/28/20

Resending PDFs for Signature

These directions ensure that the prior signatures remain in your document when sending to someone who has not yet signed.

When you need to resend a document to a recipient, the process should be done like this:

1. Open the Collaboration portal

2. Locate the document and open it.

3. Click the dropdown in the upper right corner and select Manage Recipients.

4. Remove the recipient you are resending it to.

5. Add the recipient back into the document.

Collaboration Portal

Don’t forget to access the Collaboration Portal from your homepage in Enrich.

The collaboration Portal allows you to see the documents that are Complete and Incomplete.

Updated 10/6/20

ILAPs in Enrich

Important ****

Under the State Testing Heading, you do not need to add ELP Test.  This refers to ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.  If accommodations are needed, they will be documented on the IEP or 504 plan for the student not the ILAP.

Changes in Service Model or Accommodations

If you are trying to make changes in the ILAP, "administrative edits" and then in the comment area when you submit to the parents by e-mail include that it has been changed and this is an updated version.  A call home would be good as well if you feel more comfortable than typing in that comment/notes section.  

Preferential Seating vs. Small Group Reminder 

Preferential Seating is within the same room in a smaller group for the administration of the assessment.  Small Group assessment is when students are taken out of the classroom/usual environment for assessments. If this is an accommodation for a district and state assessment, it must be implemented throughout the year for classroom assessments.

For the instruction piece, it could be either in or outside the classroom for instruction and then individual instruction is self-explanatory in the classroom accommodation area.  The key is if you are choosing these two as accommodations, then the content teacher is instructing this way with the EL consistently.  I would not think this would be selected much.  You do not have to have these two marked to choose the small group or preferential seating options in the assessment/testing area.  You do have to have the "small group assessment" and "preferential seating" in this accommodation area if you are choosing for the assessment area (district- typing in or State).  

If you are simply making edits to a plan after collaborating with teachers before signatures, just edit the existing document with administrative edits.

Updated 10/2/20

PDF Splitter-for those of you downloading ACCESS Scores from WIDA AMS


Updated 9/28/20

Please use these documents as you create your ILAPs

For students with accommodations for District and State Testing

- For District Testing please add the name of the test, participation (yes) and then add the allowable accommodations for the specific assessment that the student needs.

 -For State Testing add the name of the test and the allowable accommodations for the specific assessment that the student needs.


For students with no accommodations for District and State testing:

-For District Testing , please list the test and the participation (yes) then write none if the student has no accommodations.

 -For State Testing, please list the test and the chart will populate blank for students that have no accommodations.

More Enrich Videos

ENRICH ILAP SESSION,  September 22, 2020 

 Meeting Recording:

 Access Passcode: 9#i6NRLz

 ENRICH ILAP SESSION, September 23, 2020

Meeting Recording:

 Access Passcode: 7G^6g?EG

Updated 9/22/20

Enrich Videos and Slides 

Home Language Option, Initiate Action, Parent Notification

Uploading Docs and Collaboration Portal

**I completely misspoke on the slide regarding the Timeline of dates.  This has been corrected in the Slides with notes and in the slide above.  Please take note, all paperwork in Enrich (including ILAPs) are due on October 5, 2020, with the exception of ILAPS for SC Virtual, which are due by 9/25.

Enrich Help Ticket

A big thank you to everyone using the help ticket. 

General Reminders 

-Don't forget the access code expires in 48 hours after sending documents through the Collaboration Portal.

-Virtual Academy Teachers will be completing documents for students attending the Virtual Academy with the exception of exited students.

-If you make a mistake don't panic we can work together to get it fixed.

Updated on 9/17/20

Enrich News

We are back at it with Initiating Students and Creating Parent Notifications.  

Uploading Docs and the Collaboration Portal

Here are the Google Slides and Screencast of Uploading Docs and Collaboration Portal.  Please do not feel you must watch this right away.  Please take care of completing your Initiate Action and Parent Notifications first.

**I completely misspoke on the slide regarding the Timeline of dates.  This has been corrected in the Slides with notes and in the slide above.  Please take note, all paperwork in Enrich (including ILAPs) are due on October 5, 2020, with the exception of ILAPS for SC Virtual, which are due by 9/25.

Enrich Responsibilities Reminder:

Remember students attending the K-8 Virtual Academy will have their information in Erich completed by the Virtual Academy ESOL Teacher with the exception of Monitored students which will be the responsibility of the Brick and Mortar ESOL Teacher.  9/10/20

High School ESOL Teachers ONLY! 

Please check with your guidance counselors and ask for the names of the ELs that are in SC Virtual Courses.  You MUST complete their ILAPs FIRST and send a copy to SC Virtual NO LATER than September 25th! If you have any questions, please contact Tanya Franca, Director of ESOL Services. 

Updated 9/10/20

Enrich Updates

The September ESOL Program Meeting Video and Google Slides with notes will be coming out later today 9/10/20.  Don't forget to access the slideshow for step by step Enrich snip its with directions in the notes.

Video and Google Slides with snip its and notes for Uploading Docs and using the Collaboration Portal will be sent out Tuesday, September 15, 2020.

At this time, please focus on the Initiate Action in Enrich and the Parent Notification in Enrich for your students coded 1.0-6.0, A1-A3, P1-P4, including any students that have a waiver for the current year.

Remember students attending the K-8 Virtual Academy will have their information in Enrich completed by the Virtual Academy ESOL Teacher with the exception of Monitored students which will be the responsibility of the Brick and Mortar ESOL Teacher.

Updated August 24, 2020

Enrich-Step 1

Check with your Power School clerk to make sure that your caseload has been scheduled to you in Power School.  You may share the following information with your clerk.  Please see below.  If the students are not scheduled to you, you will not be able to see them in Enrich.



Enrich Drop Down Menu

On the log in page, click the drop down menu to make sure that your homebased school is listed when you log in.

Once you are logged into Enrich, if you have multiple schools,   you will need to choose the school you wish to access.

Experiencing Issues with your account .....

According to our Enrich Coordinator, all teachers should have correct schools in the Enrich Drop Down Menu.  If not, please contact Meg Pletcher directily mpletche@greenville.k12.sc.us